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  1. I used to use Audacity a while ago! I don't think you can snap to a grid, it's very analogous. As for moving clips around, I think I remember there being a tool up in the top left corner, it's an arrow pointing both left and right. I think that might help you out with at least THAT. I don't remember a lot, but if you have any more particularly specific questions, I might be able to help...
  2. I just got my hands on my uncle's copy of Mixmeister and it's pretty sweet from what I've learned, messing around with it. Normally it's a +$150 programme, so that's gotta count for something, right? I've never remixed before, so of course my first mix was terrible, but what I'm wondering is if MixMeister is more for remixing, or for being a DJ . . . Also, I'm thinking that maybe the song I picked to remix [Angel's Rain from Katamari] was maybe not the best choice for my first . . . Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. I'm new to this...and...yeah...
  3. I WAS THINKING THIS SAME THING! Good thing I czeched to see if there was already a topic about this... I was thinking that since the theme starts out really simple, that someone could have a lot of fun remixing it. Then again, I've never remixed, so maybe it would make it HARDER, or LESS fun... LOL. Whatevs.
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