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Posts posted by tebian

  1. Happy Birthday Chrono Trigger !!

    I had totally forget to post there here. Final Fantasy Radio is broadcasting your Chrono Symphonic live now in full with video feed on two tv stations. Thank you guys from some great music and hope many more people find your great work.

    http://www.FinalFantasyRadio.com >> the music only

    http://www.justin.tv/tebian >>> the video of the music with game clips

    If you miss it now we are doing again later today. ;-)

  2. Thanks to Limit99, Nitritious and OA for stopping into the concert last night. We had a great time and really appreciated the commentary. Tonight we should have all our FaceBook fan club in there and hope you all well come to enjoy chat at 8pm Eastern.

    To the artist of the CD the music was well received by my listeners. We averaged about 80 listeners on the radio streams and 20 people in the TV chat room over the 3 hours. Thank you all again for some great music and I hope I showcase more of you work here on Final Fantasy Radio.

  3. Friday, Aug 1st 8pm Est
    Oops i was afraid i might have posted that wrong here too. We are doing two shows on Friday "July 31st" and then on Saturday August 1st, this was setup so if you cant do one we would have that 2nd show. Sorry about the mix on the dates.Really hope to see you all come out one of the nights.

    I have made a shout out box for all to add there words of wisdom to the http://events.finalfantasyradio.com. Please leave a note to the audience if your part of the project. Anyone else of course who wants to post there is more then welcome to add information or notes or even url's of projects they are doing. I thought it would be another good way for the Final Fantasy community that listen to the station to meet Overclocked Remix.

    I am sure our audience tonight would like to hear from the masters of remix.

  4. OverClocked ReMix Releases Free Fan Tribute Album, Final Fantasy IV: Echoes of Betrayal, Light of Redemption

    Well I thought I would post this here and hope its ok with you all. I had got the go ahead to play this CD live on our radio from DJPretzel last week (congrates on your wedding). Friday, Aug 1st 8pm Est we will be broadcasting the whole set of music in a "live concert". I thought you all might want to listen in or join the chat at the our TV stream. I hope to have the game up at same time on the video stream and make it a small but fun event to show off this great work. The radio has a few streams including PSP for those who just want to listen.

    This is the Event Page for the www.FinalFantasyRadio.com I have setup and our Facebook fan club plus a few other station fan groups around the world have been notified. Hope this helps to spread the news more about your great music here and the members who make up the OC Remix community. Keep up the great works here and thanks for the music.

  5. Love the remix that the thread is about you guys really do amazing things with the music. I am just dj but love to hear the in depth discussion of one song and how you come to make it into the final mix.

    Hey everyone,

    My friend and I recorded this some time ago. I am playing the piano (used Reason 3.0, put a few basic effects, some reverb, just kept it simple), my friend, who on OCR is the prophet of mephisto, is playing sax.

    I'm open for suggestions, what do you think?


    Man, this composition on the piano is truly some great work. I have yet to hear people actually take some time to solo out this in traditional style and you did great job. Would mind if I down load for the radio a few of your works phyrgian from that site you noted ?

  6. I've managed to find a bunch of his mixes, including the tracks used on the music videos. I've placed them in a sendspace link in a zip file under the name "Hyadain Tracks". The only thing that's missing is "World Warrior"


    Dang I hope you dont mind a necro on this ...

    Some was asking me if I heard of Hyadain and sadly I have not so much. Does anyone have a site for him besides the paging through google for an hour. I am looking really for his Final Fantasy music remakes of course or any more information on who he is before I try to play some of his music. (thanks in advance)

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