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Posts posted by CursedByFire

  1. Took me a while to get into it. Not into artificial sounds but the Arrangement Value completely makes up for it and more.

    I wonder how long it would take to have an identical version but orchestral :P

    yeah....this would be a sweet orchestral lol. it is amazing though. nice work!

    i love the thriller part at 4:04....totally sweet lol. I had no idea where this song was going next!

  2. y1pGe93w9gvNZUL54Fy8vpOMvIwHPT7KuGH7rPM76UDPJ7xlMUwEkbNfakkKLjUzk1IUrK38seaLps

    This is only a sample. Nothing final about this lol. Made it in about an hour. Any suggestions?

    Thought I would use the brambles cuz its probably the most memorable in the game, especially from the level where you're racing screech. It was one of the

    levels that ticked you off lol. If you want the link http://cid-995f65834d8064f5.spaces.live.com/photos/cns!995F65834D8064F5!113/?startingImageIndex=0&commentsExpand=0&addCommentExpand=0&addCommentFocus=0&pauseSlideshow=0

    The title is no way final. I just chose that name just to fit it and see how it would look. That is by no means my decision, just took something and put it on there. I can change it to whatever Bahamut and Taucer want.

    I'm also working on another one with a cartoonish look to it. And I'll probably do a third one with the kremlings.

  3. I don't have a portfolio on hand but I can put one of my ideas on paper and let you take a look. I'll probably focus on the kremlings since that what you guys are suggesting the name of the album to be related to them. Let me know the basics of you want on the cover and what needs to be the cover or back cover...such as the names of the pieces on the album which is probably a ways away of finalizing.

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