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Everything posted by -HHB-

  1. Hey! I'm one of the promoters for this event and I noticed the link that was posted originally was blocking out links to other information. So if anyone is looking for further info on this party as it develops (ie when tickets will be on sale, schedule for the shuttle buses, etc) you can get all that information here: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=23088795015 (Facebook) or here http://www.herewegorave.com For those who were thinking about making the trip we have a discount for out of town drivers if you bring at least 2 other people. If you fill your car then you (the driver) get in for free. You'd need to provide some sort of proof of residence or get in contact with us before hand for it to apply. Feel free to message me here if you've got any questions, I'll try and come around here often enough. -------------------------------- Also we're going to be looking for some cool video game remixes for our Here We GoGo Boys set, if anyone has any dance music remixes of any video games then link me, I'd love to take a look. We've tried browsing through here already but there is a lot of content and it isn't necessarily all dance music.
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