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    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Composition & Production Skills
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Electric Guitar: Lead
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    Rythm guitar, acoustic guitar etc.

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  1. Right, so I decided to take up fruity loops a few days ago and see how far I can get with it. I've been playing guitar for almost 3 years now, but I have never arranged anything or worked with any similar programs... Most of the terms were alien to me but thanks to a lot of help from the IRC channel and several of zirocon's tutorials, I got the basic grasp on how stuff works now. But there are several things that baffle me and even though I am pretty sure that these are a matter of practice, some suggestions would help me a great deal. First of all - Guitar sound. Is it possible to get a decent guitar sound without actually recording? And if I do record something with clean sound, is it possible to get a good sounding distortion on it? I have checked the thread in the tutorial forum dealing with guitar sound and downloaded those plugins but avail, I have no real clue how to use them efficiently. Furthermore, is it possible to simulate hammerons, pullofffs and bends without recording? Secondly - Drums and the rest of the instruments. As for now I use soundfonts for everything else but I am not exactly sure whether or not that is a good method. What other ways are tehre to simulate instruments? Perhaps plugins? Sytrus? Is it possible to change values like attack and decay for specific notes in one channel? For example I want to start the arrangement with one guitar tone which slowly fades in with long attack time, but the rest of them shouldn't have that. I suppose I need 2 channels for this but in case it is possible it would be an immense help The last thing might be a bit tricky to explain and I know that there is no defined rule here so I'll just ask for suggestions regarding the matter... Assuming that I learn to use Fruity Loops technically, as in, all the commands etc. I'd still have no practical way of making anything.I simply got no idea how to approach making an arrangement. Let's say for example's sake I want to remix the main Metroid Prime theme. I know how to play it, I got the midi if it's needed, and I got a filler riff in my head. What do I start with? Basically some general arrangement tips would be extremely useful, even more than the technical stuff. Thanks in advance. ^^
  2. The guitar Cab Impulses are 404.
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