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Posts posted by TerminaSageZelda

  1. I really loved the series, and felt it a worthy successor to the original. Some of the art style shifts bugged me, but I figured I'm nitpicking it too much and enjoyed the show. :)

    What did bug me, however, is that ti looks like the backgrounds, while all gorgeous watercolors and line drawings (depending on organic or humanmade, I noticed), were far less detailed and breathtaking the last shows, like the art department took a budget hit and the backgrounds suffered.

    I still love it for the story, the characters, and Pabu and Bolin. :D

    (I'm more a graphics artist than musician now, incase you can't tell...)

  2. I'd love to help, if this came back up. I hope Square Enix gives the okay, but I can say I understand why they would be upset in using the Final Fantasy IP in a commercial context. We can remix all we want, freely and for our personal use, under fair use, but once we start raising money in its name, it becomes a legal issue. Best get permission first and then do the project, rather than have this happen.

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