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  • Real Name
    Justin Brookman

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kscWc5IoWrw&feature=related Seriously, someone should make a remix of this! Vocals included.
  2. Is it OK that I put a link to this thread on Gaia Online? Or was that a bad idea?
  3. So, Nintendo and Sony will have formed a partnership again and there will be an official 3D remake of Tales of Phantasia with the dialogue done by DeJap before this comes out, right?
  4. Seriously. This project has been waiting to be released for almost FIVE YEARS! The FF4 project has only been worked on for one year. It would be senseless to make this project wait any longer.
  5. Of Tales awesomeness.
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