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Making parts quieter?
mentalstrike replied to mentalstrike's topic in Music Composition & Production
Nevermind. I got this iZotope Vinyl VST that's working pretty good. Still looking for help on that first issue though. I would really appreciate the help. -
Making parts quieter?
mentalstrike replied to mentalstrike's topic in Music Composition & Production
Alright...well...if nobody can help me with that, how about this: Is there any way to make a track sound like it's a vinyl? Like, can I make it sound like that pattern was being played on a turntable, with dust and stuff so that hit hisses and pops? -
More specific questions about Fruity Loops now. Okay, I have a decent little song going, and in one part, there's some kick drums in the background. Well...they're supposed to be in the background. The problem is, I'm using a pattern from earlier in the song, and it needed to be loud at that part. Now I need it to be quieter so that you can hear the rest of the music. Is there any way to make just THAT instance of the pattern quieter? Also, is there any way to put effects on stuff without having it on that instrument/mixer track through the entire song? Thank you for your help, and I'm sorry my question is so...oddly worded. I don't know what other words to use than the ones I did...
Okay, I got my FL Studio back working again. Already uploaded the file, just figured you all should know...
Oh, are you kidding me? That's sucks! My friend has all my documentation cuz I borrowed it off of him...that's how he's making all of this...Is there any way I can get my registered version back from the other account or do I have to bug my friend for the documentation again? Oh, by the way, I guess Demo Version and Trial Version are completely different things, because I can save projects and export MP3s, so here's the song ^^
okay, new version with additions and also some clarifications. First, musical additions, yeah, he added some battle music. I think the transitions need to be smoother, what about you guys? Now, clarifications. That second bit that nobody has so far been able to identify is a heavily remixed part of J~E~N~O~V~A...or so he says. Anyway, here ya go! Okay, it'll be just a while..can anyone help? I've just made a new account on my computer because my little sister decided to try to be clever with the command prompt and I decided that it was the perfect excuse to delete their accounts and make a new one. The only problem is, FL Studio has, for some reason, reverted back to the demo version. What's up with that? Can anyone help? EDIT It's still saying Demo version, but I can save and export things, so I'm good for now, but it would be much appreciated if anyone could explain this problem to me and help me fix it. Anyway, here's the file ^^
Hello there! I am quite possibly this forum's worst nightmare (which is why I seem to post in here a ton). I have zero musical training, nor do I fully understand most of the stuff that Fruity Loops is capable of. I do, however, have Fruity Loops Studio 8, and an intense desire to learn about it, as well as gain any amount of musical training I can. If you feel like helping, read on as I elaborate, otherwise, thanks for taking this much time out of your busy life! Oh, and if this is in the wrong forum, please feel free to suggest better ones for it. Okay, for those of you that are still here, the rest of this post will break down my assets, skills, weaknesses, goals, etc. Please read all of it before attempting to help, thanks. Okay, what I said earlier about zero musical training was true, for the most part. I have some self-taught sheet music reading skills, but it's at the point where I'd compare me saying I can read sheet music to a first grader saying they can read, based on their ability to kind of read those little books that are supposed to help them learn to read. Basically, I can read single notes, and eventually figure out what they are. Switch to Bass Clef on me, though, and I'm completely lost. I also do not know what the different symbols mean. So, basic sheet music reading skills are my only musical ability, other than that, I have no idea what I'm doing. Now, Fruity Loops, I can do basic things in FL Studio, make a basic drumbeat, make random noises, etc., but I fall extremely short of being able to produce anything even resembling a tune, let alone music, unless I'm inputting notes from sheet music directly into the Piano Roll. I do, however, learn, and retain, new information extremely quick, especially when it deals with technology. So, learning Fruity Loops should not be that hard for me, provided I can find a good, coherent tutorial that can understand that I know nothing of making music formally. Music, on the other hand, will probably be a lot harder to learn for me, because I generally learn by doing, which, as a result, has me only able to reproduce similar results to what I've seen. Okay, now that I've got that huge block of text that I call an elaboration over with, onto my requests. In short, I am looking for a comprehensive tutorial, either on the Internet or emailed to me, that can teach me to, if not master, become massive quantities of better at using FL Studio 8 to it's fullest capabilities. I am also looking for either a tutorial (again, Internet or emailed, though I do not put much stock in tutorials on this kind of subject...music is not exactly a step-by-step, identical-every-time process) or a teacher (most likely via IM, Webcam, and Microphone bundled together, and this is the one I would much prefer) to teach me music theory or whatever it's called. Basically, I want to learn music. I want to be able to play it, write my own (and have it sound good), and have a little bit of backing with me next time I decide to give my opinion on my best friend's original pieces. Oh yeah, and now for the clincher. I need this all to be free or cost $24.09 max (though cash is the only form of payment I can offer, so that basically limits the payment option to things or people in my immediate area). If this is at all possible, or if you would like to teach me (I will work completely to your schedule, unless emergencies come up) please send me a private message or email me. Please, no matter how ridiculous you think this endeavor is, please do not openly mock me in this forum. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and thank you even more if you decide to help.
Alright, time for an update. This one features revised music, as well as better production (which is also a work in progress). I am becoming more and more adept in handling things after my friend hands it off to me. I do mostly stuff with Parametric EQ (which I am just learning to use, so bear with me), and filters, as well as adding in new instruments (though they have the same music track as the ones he gave me). I tell you all this to say this: If you have suggestions as to the actual composition of the song, just realize that it will probably be quite some time before those changes are actually made. Anything else, however, can be pretty much instantaneous. So there we have it. Oh yes, warning, I was fiddling with various equalizer settings, so please be aware that some of the channels are a little bit....off, to say the least. If anyone can point me to a good tutorial on equalizing, it'd be much appreciated (at this point I would like to reiterate that I have zero music training. Formal or otherwise) With that, here's the updated version: A link on the first post will be provided shortly
Alright, thanks, that's much better. Okay, that I can do. In fact, I'm doing it now and it sounds much better, thanks so much!
Uhm...O...kay? Alright, I probably should have let you know, neither of us has ever had any real formal music training, and we're both fairly new at remixing. I say this to explain why I'm about to say what I'm gonna say next. This is aimed at Rozovian: Uh, what? I have no idea what any of that means, minus the bit about the no crashes. Can you repeat that in layman's terms?
Alright, cool, let me know what you think when you do listen to it
Yeah, listening it again, that is J~E~N~O~V~A, especially knowing my friend...he's pretty obsessed with that song. Funny part is, I was thinking of putting the bassline thing of that song in there, thinking it was part of the Prelude >_< Can you tell that I'm only working on 4 or 5 hours of sleep? And I'm fairly confident (ie I hate) my friends musical skills, so I'm not worried about where this is going. Thanks for your feedback! And I always end up doing all the filters and such, so anything other than pure musical feedback is indirectly aimed at me. I threw in some reverb to help it sound better, and I'm adding it more bass and midsounds as I type this.
Got the better version up
Okay, first things first. I do NOT make any attempt to claim this as my own song. My best friend did this, but I am (as far as I know) the only one of us two with either an account here, or the know-how on how to render, upload, and post. Anyway, we are both part of the same (currently fictitious) production and design company-like thing, mentalSTRIKE Productions (hence my username). Anyway, this is a nice little Final Fantasy Medley in the works. I have no clue what all he intends on putting in it, but so far it's got the title theme and some other bit that I don't recognize. It's done completely in Fruity Loops, and I must say I am jealous of his skills with the program. Before I let myself rant, though, here's the link: More Stuff Now EDIT got a working low bitrate version. Loads instantly on my lappy, with almost no loss in quality. The hi-hats are a bit weird now, but oh well.
Okay, not like I'm not happy with the feedback I got, but I would appreciate some more of it..
A terrilbe, horrible idea for a parody song
mentalstrike replied to The Damned's topic in Post Your Original Music!
Well, as far as vocalists go, I'm not sure about the quality, but there are a lot of programs out thee like Vocaloid and stuff that can sing (supposedly. I haven't checked out ANY of the videos yet, because I'm not that masochistic, but supposedly they work good >_>) Not sure if it helps or not. I think those programs are very expensive, but there are other routes as well. I'd use those programs as a last ditch effort, as real people will always sound better than a computer. -
sweet, thank you!
Okay, I worked on the song some more, and here are the results: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4ZXGXKNL Changes: Changed tempo (accidentally, actually) from 155 to 165 Added bassline to part that began at 0:44 (now at 0:39) Added more layers to other parts of the song (if you find them all, good for you) Maxed out the rendering quality (because it sounded like crap on my PC so I'm making sure you get the full experience) The rest of this post is directed at AngelsDen I read the tutorial and it helped quite a bit. I added a bassline to the part that sounded hollow, and it has a bit more meat behind it now, though not very much. I'm no composer, so I couldn't make one up myself (I'm no good with that, my only real musical talent is thinking up cool drum beats, though I did start to learn bass a long time ago), so I ended up taking that pattern, copying it into a bass track and then fiddling with it. I took out some of the more superfluous notes, and changed the key note or whatvever to make it a lower sound. Lemme know what you think! EDIT: Crap, hit send while my file was still uploading, stand by for the results
That tutorial helped out a TON, thank you so much for that! I'm getting right back to work now, so no time for a really long reply this time >_<
Is there a dedicated forum anywhere to posting various resources? If not, I think it'd be a great idea. I am one of those people who don't mind trawling through the internet for hours to find things, but I am also one of those people who, once I've found that object, is eager to immediately post that thing somewhere, thereby making it easier for other people to find. The purpose of that board would be just that. To have a place where people don't have to trawl through hours of crap just to find that one sound, or that one instrument that has eluded them for days. It would most likely consist of wav files and such, but I dunno. Not sure if this is the right forum, but since the forum title is help and newbies, I figure it's a safe bet since I am a newbie seeking help. Thank you for any and all input!
ASIO4ALL v2 vs. "Primary" Sound Driver
mentalstrike replied to Nabeel Ansari's topic in Music Composition & Production
With the sound bit, I've had the same problem, and researched it a little bit. If you are using Windows Vista as your OS (as I am) sometimes it attempts to pretty much override ASIO (or at least that's my understanding of what's happening) and ends up canceling them both out. To solve this, open up your ASIO4all Offline thing and choose advanced. Then, disable then enable different ports until you find out which one is windows being stupid (that's how I fixed it. ASIO's troubleshooting tells you exactly what port thing you're looking for, but mine was all weird. I have a compaq laptop and I had to disable the Conexant headphone output thing and then I could hear perfectly fine. No clipping or anything. It was a wonderful day ^^) Hope this helps. I'm just a noob, so take what I say with a grain of salt -
Okay, lesse, answers and replies for all your comments (thank you for your critique too! It's very helpfu!) First I dunno about Phantasy Star, but it does remind me of some sort of PS1 era boss battle. I thought it was cool xD Next, I've been working on the drumline, like I said, WIP. But yeah, my friend did pretty much the entire song, I've just been adding on, so I'll be sure to let him know ^^ I can't wait to see his face when I'm done making this awesome. Okay, I have no idea what you mean by "missing mids in the Soundscape" and I think the reason the song seems really empty at that point is that there is no significant amount of bass to that part, kind of like (for me) having snack foods when you're hungry, there's just no "meat" to it. My theory at least (by the way, I should mention, I have zero musical training though I've been teaching myself piano a little bit, and my friend has minimal, he's just a god. Seriously, anything he tries, he does good. I hate it) Almost done Okay, thanks for the compliment, xD 1:20 on is where I've done the most work on his foundations. I layered a lot of stuff with what he already had. I'll relay to him though, because, as I've said earlier, he's done the most work here... Finally, the sample used in the beginning (I'm assuming you are talking about the instrument that begins at about 8 seconds) is STR_Cell_C4.wav I'm going to go ahead and assume that it came with the package. That part was completely my friend, at the point that this version was rendered, I hadn't done anything to that part at all. Once again, thank you for your input and I look forward to hearing more!
Is My Laptop Good Enough to do Music Production?
mentalstrike replied to mentalstrike's topic in General Discussion
Alright, thanks for all the help and support. I'm pretty well on my way now, though continued support is always a plus. I've posted one of a friend and my song's in another thread, if you all could take a look at it as well and tell me what you think, that'd be very much appreciated ^^ The thread is located here: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=563582#post563582 -
Hey, I've just recently acquired FLStudio, and then my friend got it, and spent two hours fiddling with it. This is the result (still a work in progress) with some of my additions. As far as I know, this is all original work, but if anybody happens to hear anything they recognize, lemme know, I'd love to be able to discredit my friend (friendly rivalry). Anyway, let me know what you think of it! (First Draft) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=E147HFA0 (Second Draft) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4ZXGXKNL (Third Edition)
Is My Laptop Good Enough to do Music Production?
mentalstrike replied to mentalstrike's topic in General Discussion
okay, thanks for the help and the title change. I was at a loss for a good thread title so...yeah. Generic was the way to go for me. Anyway, so I should stick with sequencing, but not massive electronica? And then, should I have access to a MIDI keyboard, I'm better off waiting for a better PC? Just making sure I have the points down. Alright, I'm gonna buckle down and get back to work then thanks for the help!