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Posts posted by gamermcchester

  1. Mega Man 2 is the best one i think. Classic. I will definitely be getting this on my friend's wii so I can play through it. It's not a hard game; you just have to "learn" it. So it takes a little bit of time.

    Mega Man 2 Final Stage music is the SHIT. My favorite MM track out of any.

  2. I got the album last night off of iTunes. Crazy long post of speculation aside, after listening to the album, I'm digging it a lot. Definitely worth checking out. Personally, I don't think the samples do the tracks complete justice. I was very surprised with the musicianship, but then I checked out some of the dudes who are on the tracks, and it explained a lot. Don't think it's been out too long cause they haven't even updated the news on their website.

    ANYWAY... I enjoyed it....

  3. This is a really awful thread but I am really liking these samples. I mean I like ocr a whole lot but sometimes it's nice to just have some straight up covers/conservative arrangements/whatever you wanna call 'em.

    Now see what you all did? You made my thread awful!

    On a serious note though, I just e-mailed them about what they're doing about the licensing stuff.

  4. Seeing as REMIXING LEGENDS OF OLD are coming out of the woodwork to chime in on this topic, and despite the fact that I skipped the last couple of pages for the sake of generating this response NOW instead of later, I figured I'd contribute my opinion on the whole subject.


    After reading the first few pages, it seems like the general conversation/discussion/argument is as follows:

    Person 1: "THIS SUCKS! But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong."

    Person 2: "Oh yeah?! Well here's MY opinion!"

    Person 1: "I respect your opinion, but here's MY opinion again for good measure."

    Person 2: "FUCK YOU! I completely understand your opinion, but here's MY opinion again just because."

    etc. etc. etc.

    I don't get it! Why can't people just live and let live? Retro Remix Revue is Retro Remix Revue's thing. Let them do their thing. OCR is OCR's thing. So on and so forth. If you want to be thickheaded and think that OCR's way is the ONLY way even when everyone who represents OCR says that's ridiculous, then by all means feel free. Like, are people jealous that these guys may actually make some sort of money off of this? Sure, if they didn't license the rights, then that's bad, but does anyone even know if they did or did not license any of it yet? Not that I saw. So what's with all the throat-jumping over hypotheticals?

    Hilarious... couldn't have summed it up any better.

  5. Hmm...I don't think anybody at retro remix revue said anything about submitting their work to ocremix (or at least not that I have heard, and I started this post). So I don't know why everyone felt they needed to start acting like they're part of some super exclusive website that doesn't want any part of these tracks.

    I thought this was a community of people that would find something like this cool... and I think the majority of people would. So, why did the leaders of this site pretend that this was an official submission?

    The quickness to start bad-mouthing and the overall aloofness of the "judges" (whatever that means anyway) on this website comes across as insecurity mostly.

    What happened to the promotion of good music? These guys obviously put a lot of time and effort into this project, and it's just a shame to see the so-called leaders of this video game remix community, shit all over this cause it's the best shit to come out in awhile.

    As far as the licensing, I'm going to try to e-mail them myself and ask them what they are doing about that, but in all honesty, there's plenty of other game remix albums being sold out there. Not the first time a remix cd of any kind has been sold before...

  6. Remix Title: Unknown

    Original Song: Chemical Plant Zone (Sonic the Hedgehog 2: Genesis)

    Sound Quality was questionable... synths were not varied, which was a big minus considering how closely to the original most of it sounded. If the instruments were indeed played live, it was not done to great effect: it's as if the musicians were attempting to emulate the sequenced feel of the original, and it ironically did not sound played by humans at all. The solo section, the only part of the piece notably distinct from the original, was very short lived. I would mix every part louder in order to give it more kick, and really try to rock out with the piece rather than keeping it so tame.


    I'm pretty sure those are all like 30 second sample clips from longer tracks... except the mario world track, which seems to be the full thing... so as far as the solo in chemical plant zone being "too short" and not "varied" enough in the synths, you're only hearing a fraction of that track; very hard to judge both those things off that small of a clip.

    If you want it louder, turn your speakers up, and remember, streaming audio clips off of websites are very compressed... shouldn't be a problem when the album comes out.

    And I have to agree with OverCoat on the fact that too much alteration of the original source isn't always good; i'm happy to hear the tracks more as they were intended to sound instead of another fruity loops beat with me saying "i think i recognize the melody to that song." breath of fresh air if you ask me.

  7. Michael Manring didn't make my list cause although very good, stylistically I don't identify with him quite as much. He's one of those "solo" type bass players, meaning he plays by himself a lot and and does a lot of chordal stuff and so on. Impressive but like I said, I bore of that stuff fast. Victor Wooten is similar in that he does a lot of that "solo" bass stuff, however, Vic knows how to lay it down FAT in a band, and he's extremely versatile. He just goes slap happy all of the time cause his bass fan-boys scream for it.

    As far as the Retro Remix stuff, I'm not associated with it; I just happened to stumble across it lookin' around for new video game remix stuff and it sounded amazing. I was thinking about e-mailing them and see if they would tell me some more stuff about the album. I'm prayin' for some mario kart or some zelda...but I really want that chemical plant zone too.

    Oh ya, three fusion albums you should check out:

    Gary Willis - Bent

    Return To Forever - Romantic Warrior

    Greg Howe - Extraction

    That's a good variety of stuff... all amazing albums.

  8. Just curious if anyone likes fusion. Groups and artists like...

    Weather Report

    Tribal Tech

    Return To Forever

    Elektric Band


    Mahavishnu Orchestra



    Jaco Pastorious

    Matt Garrison

    Gary Willis

    Victor Bailey

    Victor Wooten

    Hadrien Feraud

    Marcus Miller

    Christian McBride

    Tom Kennedy


    Allan Holdsworth

    Greg Howe

    Tony MacAlpine

    Scott Henderson

    John McLaughlin


    Scott Kinsey

    Jim Beard

    Otmaro Ruiz

    Jan Hammer

    Alan Pasqua

    Chick Corea

    Geoff Keezer

    Jeff Babko

    Steve Weingart

    Joe Zawinul


    Dennis Chambers

    Omar Hakim

    Dave Weckl

    Vinnie Colaiuta

    Ron Bruner Jr.

    Damien Schmidt

    Anyone here familiar with this stuff? I'm looking for remixers that sound kina fusiony... Just wondering if anyone else likes it.

  9. Hey everybody. I've been a long time lurker on the forums and figured I should finally register and pop my post cherry. Howdy...

    In order to not make this a completely lame post with nothing but a "hey I'm new" in it, I figured I would ask people's recommendations on any remixers I should check out in particular. There's a lot of stuff on this site and I don't have time to personally listen to everything.

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