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Everything posted by Moltare

  1. Link fixed to attempt to generate more interest.
  2. Listening to each of these, it struck me that they're not so very out of possible commingling. I further note that they would also both work very well in 3 time... potential waltziness, I think. Anyone agree/disagree/already working on something similar?
  3. Exhibit A: the music from the final stage of Kid Icarus for the Gameboy. It's martial, it's triumphant, it's uplifting and it's a horrible beepy chiptune. Anyone with skills think it's worth taking a shot at?
  4. *shameless bump* ¬¬
  5. I know Memblers has done a mix of this, and I used to have a remix by GMF which has since disappeared from my library... has anyone else done it? If not - well, consider this my request.
  6. And yet it has good ominous choral music, despite being a decidedly pants game! Consider, if you will, the main 'overworld' theme. I think it has... potential. (There's the occasional squeak in there - blame it on having to record it via mic and reencode it, since the music wasn't handily in the data files.)
  7. V.shiny! I look forward to its lengthening with anticipation...
  8. At the risk of a bump without new content... I too would very much like to see such a thing.
  9. My personal favourite is the Imperial Armada theme, but to be honest how much tweaking does that one need? *airscrew-esque drum line*
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