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  1. i love it a lot! it's not the "toxic-avenger-style dance track" i was looking for but it's a really really great tune. i especially like the part after the "sonic i getting out of air", i love the loud long-warped sound, i really like the faster peaced beat(?) and in my opionon the could be even more freaking out in that part. maybe the alarm could also get some more freaking out bevor the "out of air melody comes" anyway, i enjoy your song how it is in the moment already really much (im hearing it since more than a hour XD) you did a great job, love the sounds, there is still things you could "improve" like an higher pace in generell and more freaking out the whole time. but thats just my opinion is see how some ppl would like to see your tweaks in the other directionXD upload it somewhere at myspace XD
  2. it's beautiful! i lost a tear while hearing it, no jokeXD i really like the direction you are going with it, there is this "too mighty" feel in it, that is something i like a lot. but a fast/faster paced version would also be nice. anyway i really enjoyed the wip-version, and i'm looking forward for the next one.
  3. Hello everybody, i would like to request a Chemical Plant Zone Remix even thought I know there are already a lot of them. But after I heard this 8Bit Version of the song: I thought someone should do a nice electro version, that sounds like a mix of the style of The Toxic Avengers with their warped bass and the Chiptune style of Crystal Castles . Chemical Plant Zone would be perfekt for a sound like this i think. what also would be great is a part where the "sonic gets out of oxygen"-music comes slowly and in the and where sonic almost dies total silence for a second and then the "sonic catches a air-buble"-sound and again the hard warped chemical plant sound sounds are freaking out. thank you in forward, i hope someone likes the idea^^
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