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    Student/Hobbyist Composer

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  1. Hi everyone, I haven't posted any music here for a very long time and just wanted to post some of my recent work. A Chapter's End- https://instaud.io/3oM Begin The Battle- https://instaud.io/3wo Day/Night Montage- https://instaud.io/3wp The Beach Duel- https://instaud.io/3wq Thanks for listening.
  2. Sorry to bump this but I had a question for the OP: Where'd you get SD1? I can't find it anywhere and I wanna buy it. O_O lol. Thanks!
  3. Hey thanks man for actually commeting! You are probaly right about the videos but i'm supposed to be gettin cash from machinima to make these things so it's sort of helpful.But still thanks for the comments.
  4. Hey, I'm dariusofwest and I have some music that I just wrote for my Halo machinima films, Hog Derby 4 (not a actual machinima) and Hog Derby: Duels (an actual full machinima). I'd like to take time to thank all of the OCR members i contacted to play instruments hog derby 4. Abadoss for orchestration help. Lady Wildfire,Cerrax....and many others! Even though i was only able to finish up stuff with one of em, i still learned alot! Now here are the songs 2 songs from hog derby 4 http://www.icompositions.com/music/song.php?sid=102738 http://www.icompositions.com/music/song.php?sid=102744 1 song from duels http://www.icompositions.com/music/song.php?sid=108470 and the films: hog derby 4 www.vimeo.com/2263359 hog derby duels And holy crap, that was a lenghty post. Sorry (P.S I've been lurking on this site since I was 11 and now i'm 17..and it's still awesome !)
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