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Posts posted by Vahn_Paktu

  1. I don't know if it happened to anyone else, but I lost my connection to the test server last night while we were on Hydro. Lasted long enough to drop me altogether and wait a little for it to reappear in the server browser. I think it happened to one of the ZUZ guys too, but I can't remember who. There were two when I got dropped and only one when I got back.

    Yeah, that was me. First time was near the end of thunder mountain. The second time lasted a bit longer.

  2. RED has been switched back to a normal server.

    Also, Valve is going to patch CS:S later today. No clue if TF2 will have a required update too or not.

    I may be doing some work on the server tomorrow. At present, votemelee and votescramble are not working as their respective plugins were disabled a while back due to crashing issues. I'm either going to install new versions of them or search for replacements.

    Or you could just use the default votes for scrambling that have been in the game for 5 months now.

    And it doesn't steal your keyboard input. I don't know why you still have the terrible 4-8 vote screen.


  3. So... apparently HLStatsX updated a while back without actually sending a message to their mailing list saying that it was updated.


    Also, we've talked a lot in the past about resetting said stats... and I think now would probably be a good time to do it. If there aren't any objections, I'll likely reset then one week from today (Saturday, January 29, 2011).

    At that time, I'll do a fresh install and then tweak the Medic Assist scoring.

    Make sure you fix the 23/24 slot count really being 24/25 issue the server still has. Being able to auto join would be nice.

  4. It's been a while but I don't think I've modified my hud past that. I also forgot to mention you can see Structure Health as well. There are a few overlapping numbers sometimes but I just ignore it.

    In these pics, I'm a red spy.


    A quick Edit. Check out http://code.google.com/p/flamehud/downloads/detail?name=FlameHUD.pdf&can=2&q= for lots of useful hud information.

  5. There is a manual way to do it. Extract FreezePanelKillerHealth.res and SpectatorGUIHealth.res from the gcf@tf/resource/ui to your tf/resource/ui folder. Add this these lines to both at the bottom under PlayerStatusHealthValue{} but above the final } of the file.

    "ControlName" "Label"
    "fieldName" "PlayerStatusHealthValue2"
    "xpos" "9"
    "ypos" "16"
    "zpos" "6"
    "wide" "32"
    "tall" "10"
    "visible" "1"
    "enabled" "1"
    "labeltext" "%Health%"
    "textAlignment" "center"
    "font" "hudfontsmallestborder"

    I think that's all you need. If it doesn't work tell me and I'll look into it. Now you can see the # health of teammates, the people that kill you, and if you are a spy the enemy when disguised.

    And If I remember correctly, it is not changed be sv_pure

  6. Second, pl_waste. It's a custom so it has poor server appeal and it's a custom payload so that's double trouble. Unless there are people who really do like it, I haven't seen them yet, I think this might be a good one to remove at some point. I'd complain about frontier, but I'll let that one slide...this time!

    Third, can we get fastlane back on the rotation? We rtv'd there today and it was really fun. We took yukon and cp_waste out of the previous rotation so I think it's fair we add one 5CP map back. We did remove both of those, right? I haven't seen them yet so...

    I like waste, hoodoo, yukon, egypt, junction, and pipeline. Though it seems everyone has poor taste and likes things like turbine.

  7. I don't really think how good of an admin I think they are matters in the face of the fact that they are an admin

    authority has nothing to do with who deserves to have it

    Which is why you call out the corrupt in a public format to hopefully change things for the better.

  8. All I did was ask you to auto up, so it couldn't be perceived as team stacking.

    You didn't listen.

    Try harder next time.

    2 people is a total stack.

    If the teams were unbalanced at the end of a round or so, Just Scramble It.

    It's not like that doesn't happen enough.

  9. of all people i didnt expect you to be one arguing in favor of crits

    and as far as meleeing well goes its kinda hard with tf2s annoying lag compensation if the other guy is at a really high ping

    It's not really for crits, just the understanding that Valve balances their game not what other people make of it. It's like complaining that the control point model is invisable from the bottom thus making PropHunt hard.

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