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The Ghost

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  1. Hey there, My name's Mark. I'm 20 years old and live in Dallas, Texas. A few years ago, a friend from highschool showed me this site and I've been in love with it ever since. I've always wanted to try my hand at making a mix, and it seems like I finally have the money/time to start. I've been playing piano for years, lessons at first but now I just teach myself. I'll be purchasing a keyboard and some software really soon, though I'm not quite sure what to get. If you name a videogame, I've probably beaten it several times. Moreover, if you hum the first three notes to any videogame song I could tell you what it was. I love videogame music so much it feels like a crime that I haven't tried to mix anything yet. I don't really know what I'm doing, but I'm tired of saying "I'll do it eventually." I just hope someday I can join the ranks of OCRemixers. Thanks for all the music, Mark Casper
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