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Red Kinikacha

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Posts posted by Red Kinikacha

  1. I was wondering about that. How different does it have to be in order to be a ReMix? Some of the songs I have heard (e.g. Magnet Man Goes West and Inverting the Tower Temple) sound pretty much the same as the source tune except with different instruments.

    Just changing instruments is the fastest way to get a No, and I wouldn't suggest trying to do the bare minimum to get by the judges because that'll also lead to a fast no. What does get appreciated is added source material. It's okay to use the original song with different instruments, but it's really all about what is new that you can bring new to the table.

    Inverting Tower Temple for instance had a build-up into the intro, many parts in the song where instruments/synths were removed to build up again, and used the source tune more as a backdrop rather than a reliance on quality.

  2. Actually, as I understand it BlazBlue (don't know about other HD 2D games) was made with 3D models that were then put through a 2D-ification process to end with the 2D sprites. So, they are indeed 2D animations, but they were created as "snapshots" of a 3D model and then touched up.

    I imagine Capcom would do something similar if they did 2D.

    I think you got Blazblue mixed up with King of Fighters. I don't recall Arksys saying they used anything except the concept art they were given.

  3. Track overlap you say? There's PLENTY of tracks to choose from, seeing as the scope of both projects spans pretty much every video game ever made. This isn't some Super Dodge Ball or something with only a few tracks.

    I agree with this 100%. Which brings me to the point of why nobody has suggested

    [Mother 3] Lucas / Porky or Clause


    I really think there's way to much potential here.

  4. Good Question, once again I don't have a PSP so I can't give you a definitive answer for that one except for remapping the extra 2 shoulder buttons to one of the directional joysticks; Push left on the joystick for L2, pushing right for R2.

    Best I can think of. :L

    Ironically, that's how it works out.

  5. Interesting album

    I can't really put my finger on what the music is lacking, but I can't figure what it's needing either. The styles match, which can't be said with many non-mainstream indie (is that an oxymoron?) albums. I can say that it has a very chill, and passive mood to it.

    All and all, it's enjoyable, which is the most important part. Keep up the work. I don't think I'm very good at constructive or any kind of criticizing through.

  6. Lets see, they're really hidden

    SRPG:Yggdra Union, Disagea(near must-buy), Wild Arms XF, Jeanna D'Arc (Must buy of genre)

    RPG:Riviera (kind've more like a book, than a game) Tales of Eternia (import)

    Racing: Wipeout Pure. Burnout

    Platformer: Crush, Castlevania, Loco Roco, Megaman MHX, and N+(It's great for it's price)

    and you might be interested in God of War, Yu-gi-oh Tagforce 3 (import) and Lumines. As far as Fighters go, I'm a guilty gear man myself and GGXXAC is coming out in march.

  7. With 30 seconds of demo, its really hard to judge on what could be. From this demo, it could be a creative masterpiece or repetitive shovel ware.

    From what I listened, I can tell you that the Intro (8-18) is a bit too soft after coming off from that Huge Sugar Rush that is the intro. It needs more time to Flow into that. Generally when moving down volumes, you work your way down. Abruptness does not work alot.

    With that said 21-29 is lovely in how it works its way up with sharp steady upbeats, yet alas, leads us to want more.

    All in all, it feels like alot of "could be" greatness is waiting to be materialized. Finish this.

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