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Posts posted by Slickzero

  1. What Dhsu said :D

    I've only just got an android as well, and the only free apps I got so far other than the free Draw Something are AndroChat (if you want IRC on the go) and Alarm Clock Xtreme (why does this phone not have an alarm to begin with? >_<). I can't be much help, but it's good to see what else could be recommended to help us all.

    It does have an alarm, it's called "Alarm and Timer."

    For free apps, I like ES File Explorer, gives you easy access to your SD card/internal memory, as well as any network assets.

    PocketCloud is a good remote control app, if you have a VNC or similar service installed on your desktop

    I use K-9 Mail for accessing non-gmail email accounts, works pretty well.

    And definitely get the Amazon app store app, they have a different paid app for free every day. Most of them are crap, but occasionally they have a cool game or something useful (I snagged QuickOffice pro for free, for example)

  2. Right, I was just saying. :P

    They ought to make an app that tracks when games were purchased. They'd probably see a huge spike after Thanksgiving, during Christmas/New Years, and around the time they usually do their summer sale.

    Actually, if you go into your steam settings and hit "View account history" you can see exactly when you purchased everything, and how much you paid for it. It won't aggregate the totals for you, but at least the values are accurate.

  3. What's that like? Any good?

    It's been almost 2 years since that, he probably doesn't remember anymore :P

    Just finished making my way through the Dresden Files. Excellent read, can't wait for the next book. Modern detective stories meets traditional fantasy, mixing tropes and cliches from both genres while the title character makes fun of all of it.

  4. I'm really more of an electric player, but I sometimes get the hankering for some finger-picking acoustic goodness. I'd probably play more of that stuff if I had a better acoustic guitar, but I don't have the cash right now to replace my janky Fender that I've been using for the last decade or so. Of course, if I did have the cash there's a halfway decent chance I'd just buy another electric guitar 8)

  5. Playing Advent Rising, I was fighting the final boss. The only way to beat the Koroem is to reflect back the energy ball attack (kinda like Ganondorf in Ocarina of Time), I fought for 20 minutes without her using that attack once. Then I reset, and fought her again, same problem :(

  6. I don't have time to read this whole thread right now, but I saw a bit, and I thought I'd shed a little light on the whole anger about L4D2 issue.

    While arbitrarily expecting Valve to release free stuff for L4D just because they did for TF2 is pretty presumptuous, it is entirely within reason to expect them to do it if they said they would

    I can look it up later, but there actually is an interview with Gabe Newell around the time of L4D's release stating that the game would be supported similarly to TF2. So many people bought the game, even in it's somewhat content limited initial form, based stronly on this promise.

    Now, in recent times Gabe has responded that they plan to continue supporting L4D even after 2's release, but no one knows how that is going to work exactly.

  7. I had the same problem, but I think it's a result of a disconnect between the servers. Your achievements aren't lost, they're stored on the central server. I found it when I played a game and got an achievement I already had. I checked and saw I had none, but like half hour later I checked again and everything I had already earned was back. So just be patient, your achievements should reappear

  8. I don't know why everyone gets upset about tanks.

    Out run it and get to the safe point and win for a worry free lunch.

    The tanks, they is easy. But when people you get boomed while the tank is around...that's problematic

  9. True, but now there will be no texture issues, and the maps will be balanced for Vs.

    Also, I get really annoyed with tanks. With the teams I play with we never need them to kill pubbie teams, and it just makes it harder for us to survive. It's really frustrating to go infected first, and after you've basically got the survivors dead you see a tank coming, because then you know YOU are gonna have to deal with it soon.

    Tank servers suck :P

  10. You definitely need to check out the Megaman and Megaman X series mixes, especially Megaman 3. Make sure to grab Disco Dan's "Blue Lightning" and Sixto and Steppo's "The Passing of the Blue Crown", both under 3. There is a ton of good music under all of those games.

    Also check out Beatdrops's "Revolutions" from X3

    I have to agree with the Xenogears, Secret of Mana, and Chrono Trigger recommendations, and add Chrono Cross to that list. Also, there's not many remixes for it (last I checked) but Shadow of the Colossus has some amazing stuff.

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