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Posts posted by Nyuura

  1. I don't wanna dash any hopes of an actual sequel, but from the way thing looks it's a reboot, which is no problem to me because it's still FMA and they're still calling Ed short.

    From what everybody's tellin' me, the new FMA's hopefully going to actually follow through with Arakawa's manga storyline and completely ignore the trainwreck that was the old series. If truth, then I'm totally stoked.

    Have you seen the FMA movie? I guess you can pass that off as a trippy sequel that makes no sense.

  2. Really wish you would have waited for Black Mesa Source, which is a remake of Half Life, and completely overhauled physics, etc.

    I'm so ashamed. This is the first time I've heard of this.

  3. Is anybody else as excited as I am to be getting Dead Air and Death Toll for VS mode? :razz:

    You can play Death Toll for VS mode. Just need to download the map and ignore the wonky textures that happen.

    I took a punch from a tank and was instantly incapped.


  4. Expert No Mercy is a major pain. I've had to redo the finale in so many different ways until we finally listened to the smart guy and camped the stairs in the building. Two downstairs, two upstairs. Common Infected had no chance, Special Infected hardly touched us, and we dealt with the Tanks fairly well. Hell, even the door we were shooting through wasn't blown off its hinges by the time the helicopter came.

    Maybe we were just lucky though. I'd like to try the stairs again to see.

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