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Posts posted by uranai

  1. Lol, i have Edirol orchestral too and would have never guessed its the same you are using (i need to start working wiht my vst's inestad of getting more and more).

    Would you share your Amplitube Metal settings? I use that when I record guitars at a friend's place. I'd really appreciate it.

  2. Killer bass and guitar tones. What are you using? Amp simulators ?

    Drums. I love your hi hat. Toms lack power, specially for this kind of music. The kick could get a lot more attack, for a more aggressive approach. (Err, I just read you don't need comments on drums...)

    Vocals, well, I really can't say anything about the guturals (or whatever they are called in english), I just don't know much about the style.

    I'm sorry, but the chorus voice is a bit gay compared to the rest... It's nice , but death/black purists might laugh. (I like it though).

    Excelent song. Perhaps a guitar solo would be nice.

  3. This is not really my style but i like your remix. When i first heard the source i was expecting some Liquid Tension-esque duels of guitars and synths.

    I like the spacey feeling ( i totally love the drops in the background). The production is superb too. Great use of eq and separation in 3 axis. It's a really fine job.

    However, I think it is a bit plain, I was waiting for it to explode at some time, to get heavier drums. Again, maybe i'm thinking in another style.

    Nice one.

  4. I've uploaded a new version a


    Guitar solo is now edited.

    Started a new fresh mix, which i find a lot more pleasing that previous ones.

    Got rid of inserts in master output, hopefully that will deal with the weird compression pumps.

    I could as well use more variety in the drums and bass, but it is difficult to do so with midi stuff.

    I'm thinking that a cool synth would be better for the lead melody, i'll start looking for some nice sound.

    As for arragement, I know i gets repetitive , but I'm aiming to recreate the mood of the original one. To get into an hypnotic trance with a little headbanging. Maybe that means the remix is unique enough to be worth of this site, but that's not a really a problem, this remix is something I had to get done sometime in my life.

    I considered heavily the possibility of enhancing harmony, but this style does not really benefit from too complex substitutions and modulations, and I really like the lydian sound it has with 3 chords.

  5. I recommend any of the recent amp modelling hardware, like Line 6 POD series or GT6 / from BOSS. Be advised that you must work to get your tone, you will have to read the (over 100 pages) manuals and spent a lot of time tweaking. But the result will be incredible.

    Think about your needs. Will you be recording just guitar? What about vocals, and bass, or other isntruments? Will you be playing live with it?

    The are some products, like the POD X3 live, that will excel both live and recording guitar, bass and vocals, though it is a bit expensive. Something like gearbox or guitar port will be good to record guitar at home.

  6. There are two ways to get a killer guitar tone while recording. One is to record anything and then work on the computer (requires lots of software, time and editing skills). The other one is to get the best tone in from your gear, then try to capture that (requires lots of gear, recording technique and skills).

    With your gear (crate amp and distortion pedal) I don't think you can get a great tone, but you can get a good one. You can get a buddy to play the guitar while you tweak the amp, pedal and guitar controls until you get a nice tone. Then record it several times while moving the mic around.

    You could also record it dry (with no distortion or eq ) and use some plugin to get the tone.

  7. Overall it has a great potential. I don't really mind the low fi synths.

    However, the general mix is too muddy. Specially on the lows and low mids.

    The drums. The kick kinda gets on my nerves. Try lowerng the pitch or changing the kit piece, then give it more attack (boost some mid highs) so it doesn't fight the bass.

    The guitars are all over the place, at 1:36 i could really hear the tone. I like it. Did you used Haaz or double tracked? You should still cut a lot of lows from the guitars to give more air to the bass and kick.

  8. I really liked your track. It sounds great.

    I think that the lead is too low, maybe a different synth/sound would help it stand out more.

    I don't like the HH, it sounds too cheap compared to the other sounds.

    Some of the hard panned effects are a bit distracting (though this is a very subjective matter).

    Keep on the good work.

  9. So, I finally decided to make a heavy metal arrengement for the song Corridos of Time from the game Chrono Trigger. I'm new to this place and i think it's a song that's being done a lot of times, however my arrengement (remix) is quite different from what I've heard.

    All your comments are welcome, though don't mind too much the sloppy playing and crappy (low fi) in the guitars, they will be re recorded as soon as i get a little better from my tendinitis.

    Mix wise, i think there is a bit of masking in the high mid range, the snare drum gets a bits blurred, and the melody feels distant.

    The bass might be too low, and the kick could get more attack.


    Donwload the track "Corridors of Heavy Metal" (because the internet player sounds like a 56 Kbps mp3).


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