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Everything posted by Metal-Ridley

  1. ..Wow, I must admit I'm rather stunned by the wave of non-rude help I've got since my last post. Thanks a lot guys, the last posts really helped a lot(even Mephisto's post before my last one). It's alright about the rude-ness though, it's been forgiven. I can understand it might be frustrating to often have newbies with completely no experience, and probably some that might think they're as good as The Wingless or you guys or something, and I apologize again if that's the impression I was giving. I really want to learn to remix, and I know I will have to learn it the same way everyone did: experiencing, failing and trying again. I guess I was also part of the rude-ness problem by not really explaining clearly what my problem was, and I have been rude myself too. Sorry about that. Once again though, thanks for the help guys! I already knew midi was data and wav/mp3/aac/whatever was sound, but I thought it was possible to convert midis into sound considering there are programs out there which you can use to do so(though, when done the mp3 sounds like crap). Anyway, I've got my answers now, and even more help than I asked for. XD I'll go back to my work and keep working on it with the information I got on here, and on the links posted and stuff. Third time: thanks again, people!
  2. Yup, that's what I wanna do. Thanks for telling me about this, I really had no clue it existed. I'll go check it out now. I already started experimenting with them a little bit, but I'm not sure my ''experimentations'' were enough to give me a really good idea of everything SoundFonts can do. On top of that, I'm not really all that great with computers. I'm guessing I'm average with them, but still not good enough. I had a clue what SoundFonts were, I did make a connection that it was data samples from different instruments, but then again I didn't know everything. And even if I looked it up a bit, I guess I just didn't quite get everything I read. As for the school thing, I'm guessing you're American, right? I'm not. I'm Canadian, and even worse I'm from Montreal, so the school system is really different up here. It's not extremely expensive, but I still have to pay for everything(fees, books and traveling). My parents aren't paying. So yeah, it can get a bit expensive if I'm not careful.
  3. God dammit, I have a lot to reply here. It depends what you mean by ''being serious''. I do want to make some remix, and hopefully(eventually) some nice ones, but for now with school and stuff, I don't have enough time to make remixing a ''passion''. It's something I want to do for fun. Of course I -know- I'll have to spend a lot of time on my works if I want to make them pretty decent, but as I just said I don't want to be extremely hardcore with it: I've got other things to do, ie studying. =| My original question wasn't to ask if I would make it the first time I'd submit something, by the way. I did get a bit carried away and say that I wouldn't see why my remix wouldn't be picked, but no I'm not actually thinking it WILL be picked on the first try. As mentionned earlier, remixing is pretty new to me and I highly doubt I have enough experience/talent to make a decent remix on the first shot. And I'll mix as much as I want. Pretty much the same everyone else who wish to mix does. =| I've started to, and have yet to find an answer to that question. I didn't ask what a SoundFont was either, just if it was MIDI. Look at his first post, he did. And I'm not looking up to ''gurus'' to help me with whatever problem I have: I'm asking anyone who would have the answer to my question. If no one has an answer, or is interested to answer, I'll go look elsewhere and keep looking up the net for answers somewhere. Thanks for the links. I just got here so I didn't check everything up yet. I mostly based myself on what I found here: Tutorials Now I'm guessing you're going to tell me that I should've checked out every forums and subforums for info and such before asking a question. Note that my question was first if there was a program somewhere to convert MIDIs to MP3s, not ''how to remix for free''. That wasn't even a question, I just stated that I didn't want to pay for a program I would only use now and then, considering I have other stuff to pay, like college.
  4. Mkay, so what I can understand from the last few posts is that either I didn't get McVaffe's tutorial, or it's bullshit. I remember quite well that he mentions to use Cakewalk, Logic Audio or Cubase VST. Now I've looked for Logic Audio and couldn't find it for free, and I don't really have the money to pay 30-40$ for a program that I'll probably only be using once every now and then. Then I looked for Cubase VST, found it, but couldn't make it work and since I'm not really good with computers that much, I tried checking up what the problem was and just plain didn't find it, so I got Cakewalk and worked with it. Thing is, it only works with MIDIs or WAVs, and you can't change instruments when working with the WAV format on Cakewalk, or I haven't found out how anyway. I just followed what seemed to be the -beginner's- tutorial, considering I'm new to making remixes. Besides, I don't get why my remix wouldn't get on OCR when I've heard some major fails on here that sounded just plain awful. Oh, and by the way the prophet of mephisto, I'm 21 so probably just about as old as you. If it's not too much to ask, don't call me kid. =| Edit: Also, I forgot about this: I was using SoundFonts and I halfly knew what it was. I thought it was a bank of samples from different instruments, but in MIDI form. So I guess I was half right I think. If I was using SoundFonts, was I still in MIDI? Also, like I've already said before, I used the ''What U Hear'' tool on Audacity to record my remix and then exported it as an MP3.
  5. Apparently it can't, or well I haven't found it on Cakewalk yet. >< Anyway, LiquidRain told me to try and use ''What U Hear'' on Audacity and record my remix that way, then export it as an mp3... And well it worked great. =D ... Gotta edit that first post, again, then. oo;; Thanks for your reply though, at least I haven't been completely ignored. XD
  6. Alright, I've been remixing lately and I've finally finished my WIP, problem is it's in MIDI format, and I need to convert it to MP3 to submit it on OcRemix(but you knew that already). I've tried the Ease MIDI Converter program by Audiotools.net. It does convert my remix to MP3 format, but it also kills it in the process. Anyone knows/uses a really good MIDI to MP3 converter that DOESN'T kill your remix when it converts it? Thank you for your time, and hopefully for your answers. Edit: No more a problem, thanks to LiquidRain!
  7. Hello people of OCR. I really enjoy video game music, especially remixes. Been on Ormgas a lot lately(up to 100h since september), and I've started remixing a bit myself. I can't say I'm even close to any remixers like The Wingless, djpretzel and the like, but I think the remix I just done is decent. Anyway, glad to be part of this geeky community as another proud geek. =P
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