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Posts posted by JEV3

  1. If anyone read my info about the track, They would have read that I completed this track some time after my Grandfather (Staeben) died last year.

    Well, not 10 minutes ago a found out that my other Grandfather (Roberts) has passed away....

    just thought i'd pass this on.... cus I have no idea what to do with myslef at this moment.


    I'm sorry for your loss, I lost a grandmother to cancer recently who I had never had the chance to really get to know. I think she was quite close to my cousins though and I felt especially bad for those who were caring for her in the weeks just prior to her death.

    However, you've been able to make this melody truly emotive, and it is long without being repetitive, dynamic while remaining memorable, and you've been able to really do the Hidden Palace theme justice. I'm very fond of atmospheric pieces, particularly when they bear a strong melody, and this one is sure to be marked as one of my faves.

  2. This is absolutely amazing, I've heard a few pretty creative lyrical songs here, but this one blows them all away in its integration. This melody stood out to me when playing Super Metroid as an awesomely atmospheric piece, so after checking out the Metroid Remix Project, I tried to find more remixes that are more focused on the melody without losing the atmosphere. I definitely found more than I was looking for here.

    I frequently listen to New-Age songs on an internet radio site, and they have come to be one of my favorite genres. When a song achieves a full atmosphere, sublime ambiance, a terrific core melody, *and* solid vocals along with plenty of well-placed swells and an irresistible presentation, it very easily becomes one of my favorites. This song can compete with some of the professional pieces that I've run across and enjoyed, and that is saying quite a bit.

    As for constructive crit. I really can't think of anything to say except that I would love to hear more like this. Lyrical remixes are rare, with everything being techno or trance. Its possibly because its hard to make a decent lyric to match the songs' feel, but you've nailed it. I think if there is anything to criticize, it would be something technical that I wouldn't be able to recognize or suggest.

    Yeah, registered solely for the purpose to post feedback on some of these awesome remixes...:razz:

    EDIT: Ahh, I did find something to criticize. I think the ending was a little abrupt, the last tone cutting it off was fine, but it came too soon after the lyrics. It should transition smoothly into the ending tone and never transition out if that's the effect you are shooting for.

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