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Posts posted by FM

  1. I'm not sure about the piano playing... remarkably consistent dynamics and attack and sustain time, and I'm not sure I like it! 2:58 is driving me particularly insane, I'm not sure if it's the sample library or the reverb of it it's sequenced or whatever, but it sounds wrong, like, those accompanying 8th notes should not all be the same dynamic and rhythmic level and they shouldn't be so prominent because they're not the main focus right, the main focus is what's underneath? If you want to focus in on it even then I would say give them some shape, give them an arc, give each repeated note or phrase a different personality, that's my advice.

    I'm a shitty pianist though so don't listen to me.

    The arrangement seems fine though. A little meandering, a little schmaltzy, but I'm sure if I knew the context of the game I'd get the reason it's that way - it feels like that kinda thing, like it's not made to just be looked at out of context.

    I hope I get a chance to play the game and listen to it again.

  2. Love the intro, and the toms and the orchestral hits and honestly I wish it just continued as like a m83 style faux-80s indie thing like the intro (like I WANT MORE SYNTH TOMS LIKE A LOT MORE) but that's probably a fault in my own character, everything else sounds very competent. Not familiar with the game so no nostalgia and or invention points to consider here

  3. OMG EWI I want one

    All I can say is nice job on the live performance bit, but I can't help feel the lack of percussion, or some kind of harsher sound driving the energy. Instead you have a hyped up piece in nature matched with really relaxed low attack ewi sounds and it's kinda cool especially for the leads, but maybe a little empty and mushy on the whole? I guess that would be my take.

    Fun stuff though

  4. Call this a first draft: http://zazmusic.bandcamp.com/track/wip-gerudo-interludo mixed on very bad headphones so it will probably change in that respect if not also arrangement

    yes the name is a very ungraceful reference to this: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00368

    one of the first three mixes I ever listened to, but that was like over a decade ago. djp talking about the grace and good fortune he had not to call it gerudo interludo always stuck with me though, and, well, here we are, in a less serious and more serious time, I think it's safe to say, like, whatever man

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