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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Kate Covington
  • Location
    Charleston, SC, USA
  • Occupation


Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Acoustic Guitar
    Vocals: Female
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (Other)
    hand drums, recorder, ocarina, hammered dulcimer

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Hey, just wanted to give a late congrats on your latest mixpost (Heart of the Moon)! It was nice to revisit one of my favs from A Bard's Side Quest! I like the creativity on the track, well done!

  2. I came across your Aerith's Theme video on YouTube today............. There are no words.


  3. Have you been feeling any better? :cry:

  4. That's great news! I hope you don't try to push yourself though... please be cautious!

  5. No problem! Just glad for the reply. Yeah, I hope the FF9 album is nearly done, can't wait! At this point, dreaming is all you can really do. :smile:

  6. Heya Brandon~ Just an update! The first month of rest has already had a good effect - the doctor thinks I'll be back to singing in just another month or two! Will be handing in final FF tracks to you on time (not fashionably late >:D ) weeee!

  7. Hi there!!

    Ah! Yes I did! Thank you very much :) I haven't logged in for a while, sorry for the very late reply ^w^; I'm hoping there's been movement in the FF9 album project since I've been gone. *dreams* XD

  8. Hey there, just wondering if you got my last PM (about a month ago). No pressure to answer or anything. Thanks!

  9. Wow, thank you very much!! *o* I really appreciate it!

  10. I was in the gym a few days ago letting my OCR playlist roll, which has the torrents in them at random. For the first time, I heard Hymn of Aveh, and I literally stopped in the middle of the gym and just stood there, listening. Fantastic, fantastic work. It actually took me a while to figure out who did it, but then I stumbled on your FF9 You Are Not Alone, also wonderful. Please keep making music.

  11. Any word yet on Quad Mist?
  12. Ahh I'm excited for the present When will we receive it Santa Fishy?
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