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  1. As the title implies, I'd like to see a remix that's a blend of Awe of She from Guilty Gear XX, and Bloody Tears from Castlevania. Of course, I'm looking for a metal remix, since both songs are in that genre anyway... Two more requests: Request two is a medley of songs from Golden Sun. But this is an extremely flexible request. If not that, then either the Doom Dragon theme, the Saturos battle theme, either in metal or industrial, or that sad theme in the Last town of the second game (Not named because of spoilers), in instrumental, main instrument being a Nay (A wind instrument, a lot like a flute.) The final request is a remix, probably as industrial, but perhaps a more unorthodox genre, of this one song from Terranigma. I don't have a name, and the description of when it happens it major spoilers. If you care, don't scroll down. - - - - - - - - - - When you return to the underworld's village for the third and last time, if you attempt to speak to any of the villagers, they'll say something very disturbing/insane, and turn into an evil spirit and start attacking. The music will change from the happy village theme into a very dark, creepy, and disturbing musical track from then on. That's the song I would like remixed. If any of them are picked up, thanks! And if any of them have been done in my looong absense from this site, I'm so sorry for bothering everyone.
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