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  • Real Name
    Shane Sheffey
  • Location
    Zebulon, North Carolina, USA
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  1. Well...haha that's what my site is about. So I actually don't look like some no-name idiot. Anyone is welcome to try Priston Tale btw...essentially its a 3D-MMORPG hmmm....let's let pictures do the talking... Random Pics btw... Pandaline is a clan on valento btw lol...Bless Castle, its like a PVP arena..
  2. ooh snap. Someone moved my post! Well. Anyone is welcome. Just pm me let me know if you're interested. Or need help getting started. Oh Wikipedia can explain the game for me http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priston_Tale Ok here are some random images to help explain the action... Bless Castle btw its a PvP type area...pandaline, that's actually another clan on valento server shown in the pics. And DarkeSword...lol I'm not some noobie here at OCR lol I even recognize you. Sorry that was not meant to sound elitist I just meant I recognize your name from your various remixes over the years.
  3. Hello. OCR. I've been around the OCR Community in the shadows for quite sometime. DJpretzel...was and still is a huge inspiration for my own goals in life. I admire him a great deal. I'm not very talented in music, but perhaps one day...with some practice, I'd make a decent remixer. I have followed this site, since...OCR had a blue background...must have been...2001-2002 ish. DJ Pretzel has impressed me with his work on this site over the years. As well as his talent, devotion and success. About myself, well...I have quite a bit of experience testing games...debugging them, suggesting improvements...I went to college for this...I was never good at developing games from the ground up. I'm the webmaster of http://www.inspiredclan.com a Priston Tale 1 (MMORPG hosted by subagames) on Valento Server. I lead a very successful clan there (imo) complete with Vent and forums. If anyone is interested or wants more info, please pm me here on these forums or simply message me in game there. DJPretzel was one of my inspirations for creating my own site...its about a month old, but everything is a work in progress. Thanks for reading.
  4. Love your work, Beatdrop. Really a fan of yours (my first post). Although arrangements with vocals are not my absolute favorite, the work put into each song is definitely phenomenal. Your tracks have been on my playlist for quite a while now. The way I see it, people hardly take the time to express their feelings for a particular service, or purchase (in this case, music). For instance, people only talk up if they have to complain about something. If your album gets enough hits (since it is free) you're doing something right.
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