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  1. Hey guys, this new rocket knight game made me remember the soundtrack of the old SNES sparkster... I think it's strange that such a good soundtrack don't have even a page with it's chiptune here in OCRemix... Check it out on snesmusic.org: http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=spark
  2. Do you guys know that game you played when you was a little kid, that made you search for it as if there wasn't any other? Thosethat aren't available on wii's virtual console nor as a remake for gba or ds? Well, I was starting to think that those memories would remain as a part of my past, but then, apparently from nowhere, a link leading to a strange site named "OCRemix" popped on google, and all that nostalgia suddenly made me remember those long playing hours... I feel that it would be unfair not to thank you, remixers, webmasters, forum admins and else, for all the effort you made in making this site what it is today. Long study hours (almost ten per day...) are less painful when you hear things like "All the world in one girl" (super metroid) So, that's it! Keep up the good work!
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