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Posts posted by dotaino

  1. Maybe it's just me, but I didn't like this so much. The melody was all the much sameish, the instruments not really moving the piece forward so much as sounding pretty, but boring, and the voices don't really grip me either. The work just fell flat on me, and think this could have turned out better. More emotion, maybe.

    ETA: And for someone who asked, the source:


    I do love the Carmina Burana and opera, so I hope something like this gets attempted again. But this needed work, in my opinion.

    ETA 2: To be slightly nitpicky, the topic and OCR page have Omnia mispelled. FYI =P

  2. This isn't a huge update, I'll admit it. I've been making tons of tiny changes, taking some of the ideas in mind (I've least notably tried to give the strings different velocities, most notably, I attempted a transition, changed the drums, and tried to make the synth less obnoxious :< Also, changed the vibes and gave them some standard, stereo panning. Now I know the track is too quiet to the kick drum... argh! XD)

    I've been trying, though. This is around 13 saves ahead of my last post XD

    Essentially, the structure is the same while I figure things out. :grin:


  3. The kick is weak. Really weak, work on buffing up the percussion. I love your use of orchestral samples in this(TOTALLY NOT BIASED OR ANYTHING), but they need more humanisation. The vibrophone sounding thing near the end doesn't really have any change in velocity, nor do the strings. It's rather apparent. The synth you have at the beginning has way too dramatic of a cutoff automation, as well. Tone it down. Speaking of that synth, it's abrasive, you might want to work on programming it a little better. Overall, too, this needs better transitions. The full beat, while not that badly programmed(albeit weak) only comes in for a few measures and even then it just comes out there at random. And I'd like to hear more bass.

    Not a bad start, though. With better production this could be a very nice track. Change your percussion samples for real, though. They're not good sounding. Are you using FL Studio's default percussion? It sounds like it to me, but I'm not exactly sure as they're really undermixed. If so, don't. A really good sample pack for free if you're willing to edit out some clicks that keep creeping up in the samples(you get what you pay for :P) is FL Studio Mania 2. Google it. You will have to use Edison to remove clicks in some of the samples, but it's a decent sample pack for free - far better than FL Studio default samples.

    Yeah, I'm guilty of using FL's default (Old) drum. They've seemed to have changed it to a default (New) drum as of 10, though. :<

    I think I might also change the structure after around 40 seconds, it's bugging me. I think I'm changing it too quickly. Any hints for transitions (or makign them), is helpful. I'm horrid at it XD Thanks for the critic, though. :grin: The synth thingie is Nitrous PM+ with FL LovePhilter. Still working out the logistics in it. =P

    As for being stuck? I'm listening to some Apop (Welcome to Earth, Eclipse) right now, to see if I can get some ideas off of it. Or VNV Nation's remix of Kathy's Song. :<

  4. 2:25 sounds so much like Sonata Arctica. XD

    Still digging this song.

    Agree on the Sonata Arctica. I was looking for Tony Kakko's belting. :<:-D

    Though, of a differing opinion; the song is okay, but I have a feeling so much could be done to improve it. There is potential, but nothing shines out. The lyrics are gorgeous, the composition is alright, and the singers are good, but it still lends me to wanting something.

    Vocals maybe a little dry, and the synth and voice at the beginning just doesn't seem to mesh well. That, and the vocal comes out way too quiet to be heard through my monitors.

    I hope I'm being helpful. :grin:

    ETA: The more I listen, the more I like it. I still think a bit more work on the vocals would be good, though.

  5. Mana Khemia 2.

    I hate to sound like they changed it and now it sucks, but... well, I still haven't gotten used to the changes.

    Or Baten Kaitos Origins, to me. I never did get the hang of the new card system, and this makes me sad.

  6. I'm going to say:

    For one, the bass could be made by something like TAL Elek7ro or TAL Bass, or a Moog Taurus clone. :razz: You can find many of those for free. With FL Studio, for quick and easy, just send it through the Chopper or Arpeggio tools, or the rhythm maker in version 9.

    The guitars would be easy, using the Clean Guitar Library sf2 (no lonk to provide right now) and FreeAmp or Hardcore. Depends on your version.

    The reverb could be most anything, but something digital. Default FL drums could work, too. :)

    (And if you've ever heard Un-gravitify, song I LOVE)

  7. These are neither done, but I seem to be bad at transitions, or melodies. Welcome the newb. :mrgreen:

    Things like this (something I was working on last night; just synths and drums)


    And to hear this one... its been sitting around for a while, with no real idea where to take it. But loops nicely. =P


    And yes, if anyone has any hints, I'd be pleased to hear them. No, no formal music theory training, just little bits I've read. ^^;

    And a lot of time playing with tunes from game music (more for synth programming, I got a bank for the VST version of Harmless coming up; felt too lazy to convert it to FL's native format)

    Also have a couple of original pieces I was doing for a game project that never got off the ground... due to some limitations right now, I can only email them. If anyone's interested, PM me and I'll pass them along.

  8. It's a remix I'm working on for 8 Bit Weapon contest. The source MIDIs can be found at: http://www.ocremix.org/etc/8-bit-weapon-reset-generation-midis.zip

    I'm sorry I forgot that. ^^;

    I don't have a source MIDI, per se, I'm working with Buzz, FL Studio and the Pattern Editor (yes, someone had to see that coming, I've been using it for five years, and this is my first attempt at something quasi-original :-P)

    I did update it a little, change the the melody synths, but think I should simplify it a bit?

  9. Hey

    This one's quick. :razz:

    I would like to see Days of Summer from Radical Dreamers remixed into a kind of summery tune, maybe keeping the original instruments (Flute and guitar), but in a faster or more festive time, I can even imagine Spanish flamenco going down here, with castanets.

    Anybody willing?

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