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  • Real Name
    Mark Hans Avon
  • Location
    New York, New York
  • Occupation

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  • Collaboration Status
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Mixing & Mastering
    Synthesis & Sound Design
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Hey there guys, Here's the Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall Theme on Piano. Thanks for having a listen. : ) Daggerfall Theme on Piano: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwYa5sWh5Tc I've also done the Morrowind Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZu-XiFBLss Thanks, Mark
  2. Here is what I have for the boss music from Final Fantasy XV, a cover/re-orchestration of what was actually in the E3 gameplay footage. There is an mp3 download within the description:
  3. This is a half cover of the Final Fantasy 15 Trailer music: Thanks for listening. You can find the mp3 in the description of the vid.
  4. Well this honestly isn't that good, but here it is anyway for your listening pleasure. D: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlW-G0Sk36s Sorry for the suckage, and I'll try harder next time. Thanks guys.
  5. I had a dream in the morning of this song sung by choirs so I created a quick remix of it. Thanks for listening and enjoy. : ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlW-G0Sk36s
  6. Hey there, I'm paying 50.00 USD for someone to collaborate with me on some cliche hollywood trailer music. Looking for someone with stormdrum and good orchestral horns. If you also have guitar and can play a simple metal rhythm track it's a huge plus. I pay through paypal or check over mail (US only). E-mail me at this address with some samples of your work if you'd be interested: markhansaven@gmail.com Thanks, Mark Hans Aven
  7. Hello there ocremix, I've recently finished my feature length anime film that I've been working on for over half a decade in it's first digital form. I thought I would post the soundtrack here. Firstly, you can find the playlist to the soundtrack as well as find the full film for free (it's 1 hour and 45 minutes long, so you might want to have a bit of time on your hands) here: http://www.astralojia.com I'll post the opening song for the series, Courage, here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URoHvdyIZWs I thank you for listening and thank you for your time, Mark Hans Avon
  8. Hey guys, I'm posting this here...probably because I've got no hits on it right now, and don't really know that many places I could put it. I figured maybe one or two people would appreciate giving it a listen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAh04xv-ato It's a full soundtrack outline to a Visual Novel RPG. It is very shadowy, in my opinion. As it's an outline, so much of the content is unfinished: some of it is just piano, some of it is 10 seconds long, while other songs are 2 minutes long. All of it is MIDI. It starts out with a main theme and an opening theme. It then delves into mellow/brighter songs, then into some battle tunes, back into some dramatic ones, and then finally ending with the final boss themes. There are a couple melodies in there that I am very proud of, and some songs that I feel could be much improved. There wasn't much of a focus on perfection. Right now, before the songs are remixed, I want to reoutline them, and use a particular set of samples so that it is much more consistent. These songs/melodies were compiled over a couple years, in a semi-passive fashion. It's 38 minutes long, so I figured if you're playing a game like an mmorpg or something, it'd be something new to listen to in the background, and it might help to inspire a bit. Thanks, Mark Hans Avon
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcPMr6LwF_E Hello there, I'm not making this to submit it anywhere so I won't be working on it any further. I'm just submitting it here in case there are some Fire Emblem fans. If that's not alright, you can lock the topic. x_x
  10. Hey there, For if you like Kingdom Hearts music and like Star Wars, I'm posting this here. If it's not technically a remix then lock the topic, but I think it might be...as Star Wars Phantom Menace was technically a video game. x_x Youtube Vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFd3jw0DToI High Quality MP3: http://www.mediafire.com/?ygpi1dfbjb66s04 Thanks for listening.
  11. Hello there, I'm looking to get a really compressed alternative-like drum sound like the opening for the .Hack//Dusk anime: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCB8jl9YH6Q I know how much the people around here like to help out and give advice. I guess the joke about "alternative" rock, is that it's not really the alternative but what's widely used.... x_x Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  12. I agree actually...I've heard about the stability issues and I do love how Record has never crashed once and run completely stable. I like the insert effects scheme that they've come up with as well, using their own standard effects. I always said that Reason feels kind of like Linux in that you really have to do everything yourself to get industry standard sound... I'd love to hear some of your orchestral stuff done with the Miroslav library. The demo's on the site aren't really polished or programmed....at least that's how it seems, unless you count the newer Choirs library. As far as industry standard libraries go, there's that thing of becoming a programmer vs writing music that you always seem to have to be torn between now-a-days...Surely you also hear samples played with East West or Kontakt library samples that have no programming. I'm not biased towards good sound though...I'm kind of living in 2005 right now with how little I upgrade stuff...
  13. That'd be amazing. How do you say Rapidshare.net. x___x
  14. Anyone up for creating a music sharing topic? We could post MP3s if we don't all have the same versions of Reason... Just trying to kick some life into this forum as usual. x___x I always find myself experimenting and creating 2-10 second clips, trying to get a good sound out of Reason. If this topic goes anywhere I'll start posting some of those every now and then.
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