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  1. Hey all. I just decided recently that my goal is to some day compose video game music professionally, and I was referred here by someone on gamefaqs.com. I am 19 years old and a pretty accomplished clarinet player. I study music at the University of Vermont and am about to start my fourth semester. I enjoy competitive ultimate frisbee. Some of my favorite games musically: Double Dragon (NES) The Legend of Zelda: ALttP (SNES) Super Mario World (SNES) Paper Mario (N64) Zelda: Majora's Mask (N64) Curse of Monkey Island (PC) Grim Fandango (PC) Warcraft II (PC) My current goals (starting small!) are to get proficient at piano, and purchase/acquire/become proficient at Sibelius, Protools, etc, and to get my MIDI controller to work (DAMN YOU WINDOWS VISTA DAMN YOOOOU) I also need to work on ear training, hearing chords/melodies, dictation etc. If anyone has advice on how I should start getting acquainted with this site or other advice, I would very much appreciate it. I look forward to meeting you all! Peace and love
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