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Lovely Peach

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Posts posted by Lovely Peach

  1. Lunar: Silver Star Story is one of my favorite games EVER. I've been disappointed to never see anything from it on OCR and was delighted to see this track posted in my FB feed this morning.

    I'm a big fan of the original song, and I really love the arrangement you did here (haha, any chance of releasing a "karaoke" version?) If Lunar were an animated Disney movie, this song would be playing over the ending credits. It's not the "in movie" version with the character actors, but the version released by the latest pop sensation. You've got a great voice and I like that you changed the song's key to suit your range.

    PLEASE remix more wonderful Lunar music! <3

  2. I downloaded and I have to say some of these tracks kick ass.

    I've been listening to the tracks on my iPod all day at work. There is some really great stuff on here, it's a shame the project was cancelled before it was "really" completed. I'm glad that the existing tracks were made available for download, though. It would have been a shame to not have these in any form.

    I do love some of the WIPs. A few aren't to my tastes, but there are some gems in here.

  3. I am so excited that this is finally out. I have been listening to a bunch of the original chiptunes for Pokemon lately and have been really wishing for some decent remixes (there were a few out there before this album, but far too few).

    I've been getting back into Pokemon in a big way, and the timing of this release is perfect for me. Downloading them now to listen to at work today.

    And kudos on the name of the album. :) I've been a MissingNo. fan for years. ^^

  4. Wow, this is a gorgeous remix of one of my favorite video game themes ever. The moment I heard Gusty Garden in the game, I was in love with it. Your rendition absolutely does it justice.

    The chords are delicious, I love the big jazz 9ths and the piano playing is superb. I'm definitely adding this one to my relaxing/peaceful music playlist, not something I can do with most music from OCR.

    Please continue to remix! You have a real talent for making a style of music not often found with Mario tunes. :)

  5. I noticed there's only one Fire Emblem remix on the whole site. I've only recently gotten into these games, and there are quite a few in the series. I think there is potential for big epic orchestral remixes from some of the main themes. Or other genres altogether. ^^

    There's some music from the series in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, but overall the music seems kind of underappreciated, considering the source material has some solid tunes.

    What can I say, I played Shadow Dragon (the remake of the Famicom original that's on DS) and I fell in love with it. Would love to hear some creative mixes.

    Just a suggestion, thanks! ^^

  6. Thanks for posting these!

    I downloaded Very 8-bit Christmas (1) years ago and couldn't find links to any of the newer ones when I searched recently (except 8-Bit Jesus which is fantastic btw).

    I'm definitely sharing these links with my other game nerd friends. ^^

  7. I am somewhat interested in the remakes - Crystal was my first Pokemon game and definitely my favorite and I wonder if these would get me back into the Pokemon craze again (the horrors!) Part of me is afraid to go back to the addiction tho.

    I would love to raise another Eeveelutions team. I so loved my little Espeon and Umbreon. So many hours cycling along Goldenrod City to hatch Eevee eggs and train those little suckers.

  8. Yeah, I saw that. I wish there were more entries. Paper Mario was a fun game and one of my favorite Mario RPGs. It's also the only one with Bowser as the main antagonist, which is unusual for a Mario RPG game.

    Come think, another track I'd like ReMixed would be Crystal Palace. It's cool and creepy.

    I second the request for Crystal Palace remix. I always loved that track best out of the whole soundtrack.

  9. Well, the event is at the beginning of September (Friday night of AnimeFest in Dallas, TX). If possible, I'd like to have the songs all figured out by next Monday.

    I haven't listened to everything in this thread yet, but we're definitely going to use the following:

    Tattered Slippers

    Dr. Wily's Wedding

    Shinra Shuffle

    Afternoon Tea with Snappleman's Mom

    Thank you so much to everyone who suggested songs for me! There are some amazing gems on this site that I have never listened to before. ^^

  10. Lately I've been really wanting to play FFVII for some reason. I never had it when it was new but I have an old PC copy to play now. Never got very far the last time I picked it up, but I just kind of want to start over and see if I can complete it.

    And every time I'm driving to work in the morning and see a full moon in the sky, I want to play Ocarina of Time. It's that gorgeous title screen.

  11. I'm going through some of the songs now, and there's quite a bit but in varied styles. Was there any games you wanted to stick around, or specific dancing styles (eg. for swing, is it west coast, east coast, triple step etc.?) I'll trim down my findings based on any elaborations for specifics. Now I'm going to have to add all this to my dance practicing playlist again!

    We currently only have a handful of swing songs right now (6 to be exact) and I don't know that many of us know enough about the dance style to identify specific styles. As for games, we've added lots of songs from sources that we think people will recognize, or just stuff that we like (and know the audience will like). ^^

    Thank you everyone for the suggestions, they're extremely helpful. I'll let you know what we decide to use once I meet with the rest of the committee.

  12. Thank you so much for the suggestions!

    We are staying away from rave-type music and from anything too heavy, but I will definitely go through this list and listen to everything once I get home from work. I really appreciate you taking the time to suggest some songs for me.

    EDIT: Really liking Valse Aeris, I just listened to a bit of it and it's very pretty.

  13. Thank you. ^^

    Here are the OC Remixes we've decided on so far. We have other anime and game music aside from this, but I'm just going to post what I've collected from this site (it's fairly obvious what my favorite games are, huh?)

    Super Mario RPG - Bukki's Tango

    Animal Crossing - Traveling

    Chrono Trigger - 600 AD in Piano

    Zelda 3 - Into the Golden Sunset

    Super Mario Bros. 2 - SuperBuckJazz

    Super Mario World - Grand Valse

    Chrono Trigger - Wind Scene Concert Paraphrase

    Super Mario Bros. - The Italian Plumber

  14. I'm on the music committee for a semi-formal dance to be held at an anime convention in about a month - all the music we're using is based out of anime or video games, but is ballroom appropriate (waltzes, slow dances, tango, swing dance, etc). I've found some excellent material here on OCR (for example, the Grand Valse Super Mario World mix by Bladiator, the Animal Crossing "Traveling" mix by Kaijin, etc) but I'm sure there is a lot out there that I've overlooked.

    Does anyone have a suggestion for a remix I should look at? ^^

  15. I would love to hear an arrangement of the theme from Rosalina's Comet Observatory in Super Mario Galaxy. It's a great piece of music, especially since the tune fills out as you move further along in the game. I'd love to hear this done in big orchestral style with some variations that you could dance to (like an elegant ballroom dance). It's very nice as is, but a little bland as it just loops - it would be wonderful to hear a version with a beginning and end.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_5go9im7sg - Version 1

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvZG-tnp1M8 - Version 2

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EXNQFtc2WI - Version 3

    Thank you for your time.

  16. See, I miss the music perhaps MORE than I miss the hand-drawn animation, though I suppose I miss both. Count me in the apparently rare minority of folks who think the Lion King was poop, because in my opinion Alan Menken and Howard Ashman/Tim Rice were the absolute shit - Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and especially Aladdin all had epic soundtracks with great lyrics. THAT's what I miss, and it's been gone for quite awhile.

    No one shoots like Gaston.

    I don't think I could possibly agree more with this post.

    Beauty & the Beast is still my very very favorite movie, followed closely by Aladdin. I listened to those soundtracks constantly through my childhood and I still love them today. I hope the new movie lives up to the expectation.

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