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Everything posted by Vyper

  1. That's ok, Gario, take your time. Your feedback is greatly appreciated regardless of whether I have to wait for it. I just bought a new set of speakers and they opened my eyes (er, ears) to the extreme low-end sound of my most recent mix. So, here's a new version. I'll take feedback from anyone! I want to submit soon. (Note: I realize it's WAY too big of a file for OCR. I accidentally encoded it 320kbps. I'll re-encode 192 for the final which makes it ~5.9 megs.) Link: http://boxstr.com/files/4739086_xdi4i/FrogDance_RC2.mp3
  2. Yaaaay. I totally <3 The Marriage of Figaro. Happy birthday Johann Chrysostom Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart! (Boy that's a mouthful...)
  3. I don't know why you couldn't access the link, Gario. I hope this one works. I've done a little more tweaking and I'm pretty happy with it so I've dubbed it RC ("Release Candidate") 1. Unless there are any glaring problems I think I'll submit this one. Let me know what you think. Link: http://boxstr.com/files/4729697_offvp/FrogDance_RC1.mp3
  4. Thanks much to everyone who commented. The oboe has returned to its solitude with a more subdued synth string backing. The lead delays drop for the triplets and flip back on for the final notes. I personally like the effect more than I thought I would. I downed the square lead and upped the saw lead to make the lead instrument feel more complex and to decrease its volume ever so slightly. I might be able to get away with an even quieter lead but I'm not sure whether that would work. I'm not sure whether the oboe is distorting or if that's just a part of its sound. I guess the only thing that matters is whether it sounds good. I'm pretty sure it's ok because that tint of unrealism fits better but if you have an opinion I'd love to hear it. A tweak here, a tweak there, and we have version eleven. Let me know what you think of this one. Link: http://boxstr.com/files/4723808_6ykpb/Frog_v11.mp3
  5. Yeah, I wasn't so sure about the lead change myself, so I changed it back. I changed the introduction to utilize a part that I think sounds awesome and I only had the chance to use once before. It feels like a better introduction to me but I worry that it's too many repeats (3) of the simpler original bit at the beginning. I tried to bridge over into the theme more easily with the more subtle theme playing right before it. It's slightly jarring but maybe that works - wake up the audience? or something like that. I dropped a compressor (I was over-compressing because the EQ had boosted things a bit too much) and manually adjusted the levels/EQ to make things a bit smoother. I haven't had much practice with that kind of thing so I don't know how well I did but I tried. If there are any parts that distort/clip, let me know, because I'm probably overlooking them. Instead of replacing the oboe with a brass instrument, I layered it with one to make a fatter sound for the break. I also modified the synth strings backing it so it's not repeating from the other parts. Removing the drums works wonders for the relaxation of that moment, but it feels a little empty to me - but maybe that's the point. So, overall I'm unsure about the transition from the introduction and the (perhaps too) simple break, but I'm pretty happy with this version. Thanks again guys, and I look forward to more feedback. Link: http://boxstr.com/files/4714055_o2jxu/Frog_v10.mp3 ~ Velly
  6. Ok, here's another quick update. I didn't mess around with the arrangement too much other than adding another synth to take over the piano part for a little more variation on the third repetition of the melody-free part. It doesn't transition as nicely as I hoped it would... but maybe that works... I don't know. I also changed the lead instrument to something slightly fancier and more (for lack of a better term) happy-sounding. I did some major fiddling with the EQ. It seems to me that the playing field is rather even now, but let me know if you think otherwise. Link: http://boxstr.com/files/4707818_pc626/Frog_v9.mp3 Thanks again for the feedback. ~ Velly
  7. Thanks again guys. @Gario: I tried to tweak the EQ and levels a bit... not sure how successful it ended up. The rotating acid arp and sawtooth bass are louder now because I think those are the parts that were getting lost. Let me know if you have any specific suggestions about those things. As you suggested, I upped the tempo -slightly- and extended the remix. @AJiLe: I understand about how your comments are only suggestions. I just happened to agree with most of them. The bass thing I did was, as you suggested, a reinterpretation of your suggestion. I think I'll keep the 1:38 bit in without repetition so it's memorable. As for the lead, I decided to opt for a change of pitch and a little bit of additional detuning for the lead; it's subtle but I don't think I'd want too much change. ...and I love the Pokemon analogy. Update: http://boxstr.com/files/4697014_7q6yf/Frog_v8.mp3 I can never get enough feedback. ~ Velly
  8. Thanks so much for the feedback. I've made (yet another) update with almost all of the changes AJiLe suggested plus a few other minor tweaks. The only thing I didn't do was increase the build-up before the 0:56 break because I'm not entirely sure how to go about that without being too crowded or too repetitive. Any suggestions would help. Is there a part that isn't repeated enough in the track that I could use for the build? I don't want to add any more themes because I think that would make it feel scattered. Once again, any and all feedback is appreciated. Link: http://boxstr.com/files/4691610_sttzn/Frog_01-20.mp3 ~ Velly
  9. Thanks for the feedback. I've just finished an updated version. I changed the theme for one of the previous repetitions as you suggested, but kept to the general feel to maintain the energy. I also added an original piano "subtheme" to the parts that lacked a theme and modified a couple transitions. I broke up the background to vary between being level and rising, though it's a bit of a subtle change. Further feedback is much appreciated. Link: http://boxstr.com/files/4683801_cwjnd/Frog_v5.mp3 Thanks! ~ Velly
  10. Hi all, I'm rather new to this and haven't posted any OCRemixes so I thought I'd get some feedback here before trying to submit. I know it's been done several times before, but I decided to take a stab at an electronic dance version of Frog's Theme. It's quite a bit more intense than the remixes already on the site. I think the parts without the theme might be a little too crowded and it might be a little too long, but I'm not sure. Please let me know what you think. I won't be shattered if you think it's hopeless. Link: http://boxstr.com/files/4679378_imofg/Frog_v3.mp3 Thanks. ~ Velly
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