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Posts posted by MoonDoggie

  1. Hi there,

    I have to say that I'm a big fan of the phoenix wright series myself and am very interested in seeing if I could help with the soundtrack for fan game.

    Before I say anymore, I'd like to say that I'm a big newb when it comes to music production and haven't actually made one single remix or composition of my own. I'll only just gotten into the audio recording & composition gig, although I've messed with music for a few years now. I'm actually working on a remix of Detective Gumshoe's theme at the moment. One that I hope will come out well and I hope will get accepted here at OCRemix.

    With that said I'm still very interested, and if you'd like as soon as I can get a rough mix of the remix I just mentioned together, I can send you a demo to evaluate.

  2. Hey Lunahorum, I think I may be having the same problem you had with respect to level of amp noise. I'm directly connecting my guitar into my firebox, and getting some amp hiss thorugh amplitube and the vsts posted on this thread. I thought it was normal at first, like a part of the amp simulation, but you posted that you got rid of it.

    I couldn't gather how you did it from your post. You mentioned getting an audiophile 2496. From what I could tell it seemed to fix your problem somewhat. So I guess it might be my firebox, but I'm not sure. If you could elaborate more on what exactly you did, that'd be a big help to me.

    Edit: Crap, sorry about the off-topicness. Only just realized I could have sent the user a pm instead -_-

  3. maorofftop: Aww, that's unfortunate. Hopefully it'll get busy again. The last time I played there turned out to be a ton of fun.

    ontop: Thanks for the words of advice yoozer.

    I finally broke down and got the oxygen from guitar center. Sorry OCremix.com, I would've gotten it online to help you guys out but I just really wanted to try it out back at home. But hey, you guys don't have to worry.....because karma made sure to come over and bite me on the ass. When I finally got the thing home and opened it, I learnt that apprently usb cables have a tendancy to wonder off. So for now I'm just stuck here staring at the thing. I plan on picking up the cable tomorrow.

    Thanks again for the adivce to those who gave it out.

  4. awesome! Thanks for the speedy reply and sorry about the confusing question. Exactly what I was hoping to hear though.

    By the way, I see you have yourself a mighty nice tf2 siggy. Lately I've been recording and doing commentaries on the spy class and I believe I actually uploaded a recent commentary of a round I played on OCR's server to youtube. I think you might have been playing during the recording. Anyway nice server ya'll have there but I did want ask something about it. When ever I try to catch a game on the server, it's usally empty. Is there a certain time of day when it starts to get busy? I'd love to have some more friendly matches with the OCR community.

    And again, thanks a bunch for the help earlier.

  5. Ok, I've learned a great deal from various post around the forums, but just not enough to warrant a purchase of any type of equipment yet.

    But I am looking in the direction of the M-Audio oxygen 61 midi controller. There's just a few things I hope someone can clarify for me.

    1. It seems the best way to get sound output from this thing is to connect it to something like the Roland JV-1080 as I believe it doesn't have sound or effects of its own. My question is will I be able to just get away with some VST plugins in music software such as Cubase? (Of course, I don't expect anything amazing from this but hopefully it'll allow me to just mess around a bit for now.)

    2. This leads me to my second question. Is this controller just plug and play? I have no experience with how these things work. I'm guessing it just connects through usb but i'm not too sure. I also plan on buying a sound card, either the emu 0404 or going with a firebox to be able to connect my guitar into my desktop for recording. (The firebox seems like it's a bit overkill for me as all I really want to do is be able to record some guitar play.) Would it be better to connect the keyboard through one of those instead?

    Those are really the only things that are holding me back from my purchases as of right now. Any answers to these question will be greatly appriciated.

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