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Diehard Trojan Von Nut

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Posts posted by Diehard Trojan Von Nut

  1. I JUST got him. Thanks though! It was driving me nuts because Akuma kept coming out.

    lol just couldnt help himself, could he? is he a drag queen now too?

    :( ugh, sorry, i just couldnt resist. I'm sorry. But if i didnt know any better, i'd almost think you set me up for that.

    can i get a player count? who all made it to SF IV?

  2. still on about the blaring man... anything you can do to quiet it about 25% maybe?


    the dead silence was like a heavy suspense, i almost thought the song was faulty, but then it blasted me off my chair cuz i turned up the volume 11 seconds in to see if it was just REAL quiet...

    NOPE! it's REAL LOUD actually!

    first thought was "awesome this sounds fun", followed immediately by "oh shit it's blaring at me".

    i loved the distortion effects about a minute and a half in and the outro was okay, but overall rather abrupt.

    so overall...


    [x] Somewhat low-quality samples

    [x] Mixing is muddy or sounds are too loud and competing for space.


    [x] Too repetitive

    [x] Too short

    [x] Abrupt ending

  3. Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu

    I have only one thing to say about this:


    Also, i know Ryu's Family tree, so im SOOOO proud of myself and stuff... um yeah.

  4. BT&DD Level 1 isnt quite like i remembered it... my remix is deffenitely remixed, but not to my particular tastes.

    seems my magical ear of mozart isnt accurate as i thought, clocktown seems off key too...

    Butter buildings should be pretty accurate enough... i played it purely off of a 12 year old memory without further reference.


    and of course, the dark world:


    next time i post anything, i'll be sure to post the source right off the start...

  5. friends on OCR seem, to me, purely a reputation related function.

    if you're friends with the forum troll, you become associated with the forum troll, and your reputation is akin to a troll lover.

    i doubt it makes any difference in forum function, but it can affect how other people react to your posts and treat you in general.

    P.S. i love all my friends :smile:

  6. I was excited when i saw the SF4 trailers, but that didnt last long. i mean, sure, it's real cool that they're doing 3-D and all, and yeah, superb what they've done with Gouken, but really, ever since i learned about the name rearrangement of Balrog, M. Bison, and Vega, capcom has been on my shit list.

    Not to mention i think the SF characters' stories are by far more interesting than another button mashing fighter experience.

    anyone seen or played toribash? now THAT'S a fighting game.

    However, if Capcom were to release a Street Fighter RPG with complete back stories and storylines for every character to tie them all together and explain their reasons for fighting, i would eat that right the hell up!

  7. oooh oho ohohoh oh oh... i would love to revive my old NES games, all three of 'em! haha i got rid of my NES because it was completely unreliable, and only worked about 45% of the time...

    if i could get something reliable, i would play the hell out of The adventure of Link and the Legend of Zelda!

    The third is Rampage if you were wondering.

  8. OOhhhhh that wasnt the dark world version i thought it was..... i renamed it to the same file name when i updated it, but i saved it to my computer, not this one.

    so when i uploaded the dark side of the triforce, i thought it was the updated version.

    turns out i HAD recorded the update to this PC, but i never converted it to mp3.

    found it, uploaded it, what i said about dark side i meant to say about this one.

    dark side was inaccurate and irritated me with the drums when i had realized they were wrong.


    i also have another version of the song with a drum loop.

    i dont like it as much but have at it.

    pick 'em apart and dissect them to the point of no recognition :D


    much slower tempo and a bit laid back sounding. the recording was poor for this one though. i think what i did was i had my keyboard volume up way too high when i was recording it... but i know that now when i record, i mess with the volumes a lot to eliminate the hissing, clicking, popping, and other distortions.

    so yeah, i know 60's darkside kinda sucks. okay maybe it really sucks, but im sure you can tell how much i care.

  9. @Diehard Trojan Von Nut - :shock: really? that trancey pluck synth sound and spacey square lead are playing the type-c melody throughout the whole thing, albeit changed up a bit timing-wise. The low-end is all in the bassline, which just keeps things solidly on-key. Actually, maybe you're thinking about a different track... because 'c' doesn't have any drums. This is the third music option on the first Tetris for the original NES.

    ... we're meeting saturday to revisit the mix, as well as take a look at a kirby track... stay tuned, updated mix will be posted later that night!

    perhaps so, but i could have sworn there was only one tetris type C song...


    that's the type C i remember forever and ever.

    i dont hear it. not even when i shift the entire song pitch up 6 octaves!

  10. A DAW is a digital audio workstation, meaning it's a complete toolset containing sequencer, samplers/synths, and mixing tools. Reaper's sort'of free because it's fully functional without paying for it, and it's cheap to buy a non-professional license for it.

    The pros all started from somewhere too. Remix for fun, learn the tools, see what you can do. Fix the problems you can hear, and you'll improve fast. Even faster if you post your works here and let others pick them apart so you know what you need to fix. Also, play your works in a playtlist with "pro remixers", see how they compare.

    That's the idea! :D been sitting on these for a few years actually, love OCR a lot. felt it was finally time to throw mine into the ring as well for just that reason: self improvement.

    A personal gripe, I really don't like that generic, weak-sounding percussive synth you're using. That's not really your fault as a composer, I'd just recommend using something more powerful. I like a powerful techno beat.

    Thing is, the harpsichord isn't really a loud instrument. I think most people would just tell you not to use it; fuck them. Make it work. If you can make those two things work, more power to you and I'll be impressed.

    If you're not going for a powerful, loud techno bit, then disregard those paragraphs.

    well i just plain out right suck at keyboard percussion. that's the generic default built in percussion loop. if i could do it, i would be asking this next bit...

    anyone who wants to better the percussion loop is fine by me. if you cant get it to fit the arrangement tempo, that's really no problem since i can alter the tempo in recording it to the computer. the outro percussion bit, the tamborine and the... uh i have no idea what it's called but it makes a wooden buzz like sound hahaha those are my doing, the rest of the percussion is from the keyboard loop.

    actually, tell you what, i will record it without the trance loop, just the plain song alone, no beat, and let someone else craft their own badass power techno beat. cuz god knows i wont be up to it for a loooooong while, so feel free to have at it. maybe i'll get some inspiration off that :D

    Here are most of the common chords


    Check em out :P

    i'll have to learn how to read that now... hahaha :oops:

    oh look, a distraction! :arrow:

    edit: hey lookie a real one too! :D i played around with the piano and i actualyl did hear the clash finally... i think i've been playing it too fast to really notice it...

    this is going to make the chords VERY difficult for me. im not dexterous enough to play it well, but i am starting to get the hang of the pattern...

    the only real problem is the first slot in the recording is saved to the chord, and the main/first verse. fixing the chords will drastically impact the song as a whole, and i might just have to start it from scratch. i might be able to salvage it though, i dont remember what verses and instruments were on what subslots, so this may yet be workable!

    im excited :P

  11. uuuuuhhh... yeah, i think so? i am not absoutely sure about that... the chords are C and E for the first 8 beats, C and B for the next 4, and A and E for the last 4 beats of the chords.

    the main song starts on E.

    what key that falls under is beyond me.

    as far as more tetris songs, no problem lol this is the first chord song i have ever played, first chord i have ever learned (even if i made it up) and i have 3 or 4 versions of the same arrangement. no more of that, no worries :D the only other song from tetris i play is tetris type C, but i dont have that saved anywhere.

  12. years... how encouraging... lol

    i started learning piano at a very young age, mom taught me and grandma before she died, but i never learned chords, or how to read or write music. just jingle bells, row your boat, and rudolph, at first, but that's all i was ever taught, those 3 songs. everything else i did on my own... though i remember my mom showing me a verse from santana's green eyed lady ( i think that was it) but i cant remember it lol

    so it's been about 20 years of playing casually.

    im really wishing my sister hadnt borrowed my keyboard lol cuz now i want to experiment with the chords, and the piano here isnt properly tuned, and even if it was, it's just not in my accurate hearing range. mind you i hear perfectly fine, aside from lower frequencies becoming muddled and distorted. i can hear the high keys of the piano, but middle C and below just doesnt come in clearly.

    i was sort of playing with the chords, but like i siad, the piano is not my hearing's favorite. i need my keyboard and the digital tones for practice.

    however, i do not claim ownership of most of my works, so anyone who thinks the ycan do my songs better, please, by all means, let's hear it! :D

  13. oh, i agree completely, and thank you for that! i will look into it as soon as im back on my own PC LOL

    recorded a bunch to someone else's computer and i finally e mailed them all to myself, and while i was at it, threw them in the WiP forum :D

    i doubt i'l lever amount up to the OC quality, but who knows, i could learn a DAW (what's that stand for?) and compose something more professional sounding.

    one question though, how is it SORT OF free? LOL

    either way, i really only wanted to ever inspire the pros with my songs anywyas, becuase i know they could pull them off way better than i.

    THANK YOU ALL for the input and comments, im beaming :-P

  14. Toad Battles in Space:

    Game: Battletoads & Double Dragon

    Song: Level1


    i absolutely love BT&DD and demand more remixes, especcially level 7 (which i had one that sucked, but i've lost it forever)

    Level one is good, i like the music on level 2 better, but dont know it as well.

    level 5, 6, and 7 all have the best music in the game, imho.

    Clocktown's Time is Nearly Up!:

    Game: Majora's Mask

    Song: Clocktown all three days.


    bored, played it, laughed, saved it.

    Buttered Ballad:

    Game: Kirby's Dream land

    Song: Butter Buildings


    i dunno if this qualifies as a ballad or not, but i couldnt think of a better name really.

    it also sounds irritatingly off key at first.

    i dont remember if it was intentional, or if i just suck at outros, but this one can loop rather well.

    The Dark Side of the Triforce:

    Game: LoZ:aLttP (zelda 3)

    Song: Dark world overworld


    not a remix, unless you count the second half of added instruments.

    i am proud of this one because i did it completely from scratch, and didnt use a drum loop from my keyboard. you'll undoubtably notice several moments of missed beats, but there's not much i can do about that anymore, since these songs are all no longer saved on my keyboard.

    I WOULD have submitted a palegic II arrangement, it was SO beautiful.... but it got deleted before i could ever record it :puppyeyes: im SO sad about that, because it was SO beautiful!!! :cry::banghead:

  15. heeey i found my rough draft!!! :D

    i have to use very simple sounds, cuz of my hearing, to test ideas and songs, practice, and get used to the keys (even then i dont always manage low pitch instruments well) so forgive the tones, but it's still the same song.

    i honestly like this better cuz it's clearer to me, but on the other hand, i like the guitars better, cuz they're guitars :P


    okay on to some older works. i'll throw them all into one new thread.

  16. ROFL thank you, very much, for the input. i have NO IDEA how to do any of this. i am excruciatingly amateur. i played this on my Yamaha, and plugged a cord into my speaker jack and plugged the other end into my PC mic jack to record it, for one thing, and for another, since it's all done straight off my keyboard, editing this could take a lot of time, and effectively change the whole entire song, as i would have to re-record everything that needs changing...

    pardon that block of text.

    i have no idea what you're saying when you mean canon, but the harpsichord was the only thing that inspired the use of the name Bach in the title. plus i really didnt know how else to name it anyways :D


    i have about 8 or so other songs i had recorded off my keyboard a long time ago that i will be posting in due time for more inspirational pieces. that's really all im gunning for anyways, im no pro, i could never even compare to the gods of remixing, such as DJP, McVaffe, or jdproject! but i would love to compose a crappy arrangement to inspire them to do the same arrangement, but with POWER! :D

    but yeah, i have no real skill to speak of. i cannot play chords (this is actually the first time i ever, EVER, successfully played with TWO hands! :D), i cannot read, or write, music very well (if i were to try to play off a sheet, it would be one key at a time :P), and everything i have played is by ear. that's the only real talent i have, i can play anything i've heard and/or memorized. just not the chords :P

    now, if i could figure out how to use a PROGRAM to compose music, i might show some sort of glimpse of talent :P

    HOPEFULLY (since my sister is borrowing my it) this song is still on my keyboard!

    even though it will take a lot of doing, i am deffenitely encouraged to improve this piece.


    mmmmmm... tomatoes...

    edit: oh yeah, and on the matter of chords, they sound alright to me when recorded just the tune and the chord, but i ALSO have a slight hearing loss that impairs my ability to hear low frequency sounds (like bass, for example, which is probably why there is non, i wouldnt hear it and would have a hard time knowing if it was in tune, or kept pace), so if the chords are really that messed up, i apologize, i cannot hear the conflicting sound.

  17. the intro was the only thing i liked... :?

    it sounded like it'd be cool and turn into a heavy rock out of gerudo, but instead i got plucky garbagey noises that poorly emulated the original song (this could all just be my hearing loss mind you, maybe it sounds good to people who can hear low frequency sounds.)

    Honestly, is it just my hearing loss, or does this piece stray from the original composition, bordering that it is it's own unique and original piece?

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