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Posts posted by Historian

  1. you know you fellows are so AWESOME for taking the time to give me this much info/help/advise!

    Now about the money thing I have to put ALOT of things first! Im helping my dad out ALOT which is hurting my money problem but family cames first..........NOT that your point isnt valid and/or 100% correct.But all that crappyness is for another place hehe

    For me the motivation to pick up a keyboard was for the love of creating and only lately have I felt its time to push out and try new ways of creating withmy keyboard.Hence me looking up stuff about remixes which lead me here :Q)

    The thing I feel about learning is that I have taught myself this and that ect ect but actually learning about/new things I feel will help by taking what I already know and expanding it and using what I learn my way and whatnot.Basically I personally feel music has no limits and now that I have 2 or 3 years in just doing it I feel learning can only expand my musically philosophy.See I personally feel (I personallyfeel alot dont I lol) music of any style should be accessible to anyone who wants to pick up an instrument and play and that has lead to where Im at now.I also have two guitars/bongos/some shaker thingys and a few different kinds of flutes

    which I work with just cant record what I do on them (I dont have a mic and if I did I wouldnt know where to plug it or even if I have what I need).I can only record these on my cell phone cuz of the mic problem lol.Get this though I found an MC-808 SamplingGrooveBox.The MC-808 was at a yardsell and is basically new I couldnt believe it! O yes I go to thrift stores/yardsells and buy any instrument I can find (if its a great price) But I havent done that sense the begining of 08 cuz I have been taking care of my dad.

    Anyways Im totally checking out these http://www.chordmaps.com/ and http://www.looknohands.com/chordhouse/piano/ and Yoozer YOUR GREAT! I mean all this info you have put in your replys seem to be so helpful! Also is that you singing on that mp3? if so nice voice pal and thank you for posting it as I see what your doing here! Anyway I could get the original song so I can kinda you know campare or is that something you just made up for me? I know I may seem like a dingdong about this but I learn different cuz I have some learning disabilities which make this learning very hard for me and I basically learn by doing or having someone sit with me and lets me do it then shows me or explains (Hopefully you get the point).BUT I SHALL NEVER LET MY LEARNING DISABILITIES STOP ME FROM MY MUSIC MAKING JOY!!!!!!!! Also Yoozer the www.looknohands.com site is perfect for the way I learn cuz I get to hear it with a visual also PERFECTION!

    Also Gario thank you aswell buddy :Q) your also very kind to take the time!Ok so any more questions or whatever can I ask ya'll? I just hate that Im bugging peopel cuz I dont want to be a pain in the butt you know.

  2. Do you write your own songs? Do you play other songs by yourself?

    I will put it this way if I played someone elses song (Im talking bout notes/chords ect ect) I didnt mean to and never realized it lol I know that sounds dumb.Basically I turn my keyboard on and then make a piece with all of the preset sounds.I never know what Im going to make cuz it all just kinda happens.I dont think I know 100% what you mean by "do you play other songs by yourself?" I have never once played a song that was made/created by someone else if thats what you mean and I only play by myself in my bedroom.

    I do plan to take lessons one day but teachers want money and money dont come easy these days :Q( Im sure ya'll know what I mean.Also I never throw anything I have ever made away and I mean I even still have the very first piece I created!

    I kinda figured/hoping trying a remix could expand or get me mad enough (cuz I couldnt get it how I want it to sound) to just say darnit Im going to spend that little bit of cash for some lessons HAHA

    Im just worried I also dont have the right tools for doing a remix.Im sorry Im not good at explaining myself when Im typing but Im going to try and sorry I dont know how to do the quote thing like you did throughout the post so.......

    Yoozer said "Remixing is not different from making music.

    The only difference is that in this case, you have existing material as opposed to a composition that's entirely your own.

    You can use the material as a guideline, you can make something that's reminiscent of the music, you can completely copy the piece but use better instruments; the possibilities are endless."

    So basically I take a song and take the notes and A) make it my own or B)recreate the song with my equipment......right? So do I sample with a sampler if I want to or learn the notes/chords/whatever? hmmm seems hard and this will prove a nice challenge.I guess Im saying I dont know the steps to creatign a remix and I do feel rather dumb here but hey I still consider myself rather new to music making so Im still learning and I rather learn something new more often then I thought.

  3. I used Audacity for the longest time and its great!But for me about 2 days ago something just stopped working right and I cant explain it so i looked for a new free program and now Im using GoldWave and I only used it once so far but I like it.With my luck on stuff like this it will stop working after I convert 10 songs haha

    But yea Audacity is good no dout but if your not liking it try GoldWave.

  4. cuz I have never done one before and Im an amateur musician who cant read music/doesnt know chords or anything you most likely should know and I just taught myself what I know(I have been doing this 2 or 3 years now).Basically one day I just wanted to make music so now I do :Q) best thing in my life! I only use a Yamaha keyboard and Pro Tools for recording what I make on my Yamaha keyboard.

    But arghhh off topic so back on topic, how do I do a remix? Do I need to read music in order to do this?I never really thought about remixing before til not to long ago and for some reason I thought video game music and boom I see remixing game music is pretty popular and Im surpised but video game music is awesome so why not right?!

    I couldnt tell you any video game song I want to remix cuz I honestly dont know cuz I dont listen to game music on a normal listening like I do with other music but the fact still stands that I have no clue how to remix.So does it matter I dont know what song yet or is it to hard to explain how to remix without me knowing the song I want to work with?

    I hope Im not to much of a dingdong:oops: here but hey arent questions how we learn? :-P

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