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Everything posted by Meoldmucker

  1. Thanks! Yes, it is Sansa form Asoiaf. Glad someone spotted that : )
  2. Hi guys. I would be super grateful if you could check this out and comment. http://soundcloud.com/ollie-smith/sansa Thank you!
  3. Thanks for the positive feedback. All the samples used were free plug-ins and I totally agree with you on the sax. Is there some kind of site or resource where good quality (free) samples are available that are well known? There are so many free samples out there, but I don't really know where to look for the better ones. Thanks again
  4. Hey guys. This is my first attempt at remixing, so any feedback is most welcome. At the moment I’m just sketching out sections. I would like to know what is/isn’t working at this early stage. Thanks in advance =D
  5. I also recommend the UX2 and POD Farm. The tone modeling capabilities are pretty amazing for the price. As for the RAM issue, I'm running 2GB and have 0.10 sec latency. Hope that helps
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