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  1. bLiNd's work always lifts my day up when i listen to it... but i was hoping for that dark and evil golbez arrangement..... maybe it's because this is the first game i remember playing (at the age of two), or the fact that Golbez is my personal favorite Villain thats not a villain. But once again, bLiNd, great Job! Now if only you did a Battle on the Bridge Remix...... THAT would be epic stuff.
  2. yeah. thats what its going to have to be. im taking it back to the drawing boards. and go see what i can do with it on finale. might and go do it with my Tetris theme as well.
  3. its saved as a midi becuase i was doing it on the macs at school.
  4. this is my 2nd restyle. it is a full band arrangement of the tetris theme. it was done in finale. and saved as a midi. im working on converting it as a mp3
  5. Sup guys? i'd been wanting to post this on a site for a while now. so here it is! it was my freshmen year badn final. it was the first time i had touched finale. since then i have done a full band arrangement of the tetris theme, and soon to come Frog's Theme. so without further ado, i present: EDIT: i need to reup the link.
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