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  1. While browsing remixes/songs etc on either the main page or an artist or song page, it would be helpful to have sorting functionality (sort by date, etc). Is this already in place and I'm blind? I have no idea how much work implementing this functionality would take so I don't expect to see it (at least not anytime soon.) Instead take this as a suggestion I guess.
  2. Hallelujah! Thanks! I'm quite surprised that has never happened in my 7+ years of using Fruity.
  3. I've been using fruity for a while but there are some things I've never touched. One of them is now annoying me and I don't know how to revert to the original behavior. In the piano roll, when using the draw tool, I'm used to moving notes up, down, left and right by just clicking and dragging them around the piano roll, maintaining their duration. I must have inadvertently clicked some unknown option and now when I drag left or right (or even use shift left or right) the end of the note is stuck while I drag the beginning of the note, changing its duration. I realize this could be very useful but I don't want it on all the time. Could someone tell me where to find the option that governs this? I'm not having any luck finding it myself.
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