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Posts posted by Jammerlink

  1. Listening to the MM3 stuff, I recall someone saying that my own MM3 Sparkman remix had parts that harkened back to DD, and ever since I've always wondered what it would sound like if he made a Sparkman remix, himself. Now I know :razz:.

    I wondered why certain pieces of DD's Sparkman sounded familiar! Thief! Thief! lol j/k Man, think of a callaboration with Gario and DD.... (drools...) on an MM3 album... (twitching)...


  2. Ello,

    Here's a song I started for enjoyment of listening. If you like it, or dont, you may say so.

    Thank Yoo.

    QFE. Now this, this is how why songs should be made. For the enjoyment of listening indeed. I think I just geeked out. 'Scuse me while I grab a towel. lulz. j/k. Seriously, tho. I can't really add or detract any words from this post that hasn't already been said. It's dammed near perfect as it is. My mind half wants the notes to be more crisp, but the other half says "no way man! Leave it alone. It's soooo trippy!" No instrument overpowers the other, quite the contrary, they complement each other greatly! Composition and arrangement maintains that perfect balance of originality without straying too far from the source music. Which, btw, I'd assumed from the title was from DKC, but I had to listen to confirm my suspicions. As for the ending being a little to abrupt, try listening to it solo/repeat. The end just blends right into the beginning! Beautiful! Anyway, I can't wait to get my hands on the official posted/published version. I have no doubt it will pass the judges decisions with flying colors. If they don't pass it, there will be riots in the streets.

    I like it. It will be added to my favorites playlist for all time.

    Favorite piece: 1:49

    5 :grin: / 5 :grin:

  3. Interesting mix. Was is just me, or did I not hear any music for the first near 4 seconds? Is that intentional? Or was there a lead-in missing? Sounds fine, either way, imho. I really have only 1 issue with it. The only issue is it seems a bit stale/bland. I understand you're going for just some changing mix of "sound effects and wankery", but are you going for more variety/originality with the composition itself?

    Oh and the supposed "solo" @ 2:48? When I first heard the gregorian chant-like sustain, I thought How cool would that be if the entire piece were remixed like that? Then again, perhaps that's for the Request forum.

    4 :-D out of 5 :-D

  4. Hey all! For those of you in the States, Have a Great Memorial Day weekend! I for one will be chilling playing Lego Star Wars (both Trilogies) in between stripping the tile of the kitchen floor and painting the walls.....maybe. Don't want to overdo it! And no, no alcohol will be involved. It might be more fun, but I don't drink, so there you go. Anyways, what are ya'lls plans for the fun holiday?

  5. I've been playing the X Collection on the GCube lately (just to say I beat them all) and I really like the Crystal Snail music.

    Anyone up for the challenge? There's so little X2 music that's been remixed.

  6. May I suggest that since you're going for a Euro-Trance mix, that you lengthen the intro (0'00 - 0'14). May I also suggest breaking up and looping some of the source, such as segment 0'49 - 0'56. As it is in original form, that segment only repeats 2x, but why not repeat it 4-7 times, keeping that powerful dance bass and spreading it out by adding that ethereal staccato echo at the end of each segment?

    Rozovian is right when he says you and this song have potential. I for one can't wait to hear it!

  7. I didn't know it was a holiday today! Why didn't someone tell me earlier!

    Now to get Prez Bama to make this a national holiday....

    Happy Birthday Homeslice!

    Here's to another year of Righteous Rips, Beautiful Beats, and Momentous Mixes! Huzzah!

  8. Hello. This is my first posted thread, but I"ve been following OC Remix for a few years and decided to become more involved. That said, here is my 'critique'.


    [x] Too conservative - sticks too close to the source


    [x] Unrealistic sequencing

    [x] Mixing is muddy (eg. too many sounds in the same range)

    PERFORMANCE (live recorded audio/MIDI parts)

    [x] Timing not tight enough


    [x] Lacks coherence overall (no "flow")

    [x] Not enough changes in sounds (eg. static texture, not dynamic enough)

    [x] Too short

    PERSONAL COMMENTS (positive feedback, specifics on checklist criticisms, any other thoughts)

    [sweet! Snake man's music is one of my personal favorites. Glad to see you've picked it up after the last remix of going on 8 years now! My biggest question is, what direction are you going for? Are you leaning more toward a dance/techno-flavoring or something completely original? While I like that it dives right in to your own little spin on the original, if it's to be more dance/techno or something else, I feel it needs more variety from the established theme, at least for the first 50 seconds. Then one of they key frames in the original kicks in ( a little harshly, but it works) at 0:54. It's perfect for the next 12 seconds as it builds to a bit of a crescendo. 1:09 has a high noted Staccato? that I absolutely LOVE. A little more peppering of that brings a smile to my face. The flutes at 1:21 seem a little out of place here. At 1:23 it's a little rocky transition that doesn't seem to resolve itself as a choice until 1:40 when you realize it's the core of a much greater piece. By itself, it feels like it's missing something, which tells me it can't stand alone. Finally at 2:31 you have what appears to be the end, only it's not quite. Kinda like segues in certain songs, transitions to other pieces, really. But in this case, it's more like the extra scenes after the credits have rolled in movies. It's a really neat almost beatbox of the original chiptune, but with more bass. Still it leaves me scratching my head wondering is there more or was it supposed to be there. On the whole, it's great, and I like listening to it repeatedly. So there you go. Sorry it's so wordy, but I tend to pick things apart I know are going to be great! ]

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