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Everything posted by Clefairy

  1. In the spirit of Heavy is Jetpack, I bring you:
  2. They're the same six guys. They haven't been practicing(that I'm aware of) any more than the rest of us. Anyway. I only suggested that format because that's just what's done in scrims; 'ringers' from other teams/clans aren't generally effective. If people are really that opposed to it, I can draw lots or straws or whatever and assign the teams myself. -- Sensai, that reminds me of someone I know. Many lols were had. -- Thursday Hemophiliac !! S.A.M. Sunday Bardic Abyss Kiyobi CapitanAwesome Either Sensai Abyss meatball Joseki garian Clefairy Bleck Prophet Orwell Donut CaptainYahoooooooooooooooooo Lumpy EdgeCrusher duckyboy If anyone has hosting suggestions, now's the time to pipe up. I realize that's probably something I should have taken care of at the beginning, but real life has been coming down on me pretty hard while trying to put this together. My head has not been on quite straight, so to speak. I have a few options in mind, and when I get back to my computer tomorrow I'll investigate them. -- EDIT: From TF2Wiki: This could take spy mind games to a whole new level.
  3. I had assumed it would be FTF against all comers, but with the way you've splintered recently that's probably not possible. Regarding maps, it'll probably depend on who has to leave earliest, but 3 seems like a nice round number to me. We'll start with 5CP, either Granary, Fastlane or Freight. Gravel Pit will follow that, and if time allows we'll finish off with Turbine.
  4. I enjoyed that post you made on the Steam forums. Downloading now. -- Kiyobi, it depends. We'd need 24 people to do two entirely seperate scrims, so there will be overlap. That said, I will give people who didn't play Thursday priority on Sunday. -- I really don't see what the big deal is about Follower. It's been on the server a long time, and anybody who's a regular has played it. Especially now. If they'd like to play it again, it's in the nominate menu, same as ever. Personally I'd like to see 5CP maps cut out of rotation, with the possible exception of Granary. The gameplay is really stale; there's an initial back-and-forth for midfield, then a slow, inexorable march into enemy territory. The losing team digs in their heels, and when the sentries go down it's over. If the sentries don't go down, we deathmatch in spurts for fifteen minutes, go to sudden death, then do all of it again. Sound familiar? Sure, turnarounds happen, but TF2 is designed as such that the winning team tends to keep on winning. When the teams are stacked, which happens fairly often, this gets taken to extremes. Purely illustrative example: the wee hours of the morning yesterday, Lumpy and me against Vahn and... I forget who, on Granary. We got our asses kicked probably 20 times in 25 minutes.
  5. ENTIRE TEAM (who get ticked off) IS BABIES.
  6. You're the admin. How about we swap it for.... Hoodoo? 5CP gets old really fast in my opinion, with Well and Granary we've got more than enough of it. -- Updated! Thursday Hemophiliac !! S.A.M. SUNDAY(I can't count, apparently) Joseki Bardic Abyss CapitanAwesome Either Sensai Abyss meatball garian Clefairy Bleck Prophet Orwell Donut CaptainYahoooooooooooooooooo S.A.M. Lumpy Kiyobi EdgeCrusher duckyboy Apologies for my failure to perform adequate basic addition. If Sunday doesn't work for people, we'll move it to Saturday after all. EDIT: My eyes are bleeding already D:
  7. Way to get me all up in a panic, man. Woo, crisis averted.
  8. Since I can't find a decent clip of it, just imagine Homer Simpson saying 'd'oh....' in a disappointed voice. Well, moving it up or down a day might work. Does it affect anyone if we were to move Saturday to Sunday or Friday?
  9. We'll miss you, superjoe. Your playstyle had a tendancy to grate on my nerves(seriously. building a sentry in a game under 6 people is a dick move), but you were a decent guy, and a part of the community. Still I can't fault you for wanting something more out of life. -- Onto divisions! Thursday Hemophiliac !! Saturday Joseki Bardic Sporknight Either Sensai Abyss meatball garian Clefairy Bleck Prophet Orwell Donut CaptainYahoooooooooooooooooo S.A.M. Lumpy Kiyobi EdgeCrusher duckyboy If you simply have a preference for one or the other, that's fine too. Any open slots will be first come, first serve. I haven't decided if I want to play yet, we'll see how it goes. The format is 6v6, two class limit except medic and demoman, which are one each. This means you'll see a lot of that 2-soldier, 2-scout, etc. setup, but once one side gains the advantage that changes. Comp teams will often switch out scouts for heavy/engineer when holding last point, for example. Or let the other side get comfortable, then oops! backstab on your medic.
  10. Thread used roster explosion! It's super effective! Sensai(anytime) Abyss Joseki(after 10:30 Mon-Fri, anytime Sat-Sun) meatball garian((till 11:45EST) Clefairy(anytime) Bleck(anytime) Hemophiliac(variable) Prophet Orwell(Thu-Sun nights) Donut(Mon-Thu) Sporknight(Fri-Sun nights) CaptainYahoooooooooooooooooo(ALL NIGHT LONG) S.A.M.(after 7EST Mon-Fri, anytime Sat-Sun) Bardic(nights, Thu pref) !! EdgeCrusher(after 7EST Mon-Fri, anytime Sat-Sun) Lumpy(anytime) Kiyobi(anytime) duckyboy(anytime I think?) The bench: Black Waltz (unavailable)(8/2) Rambo (unavailable) Bonzai (unavailable) Vivi22(unavailable)(8/10)(after 5EST Mon-Fri, anytime Sat-Sun) 17 people! Highlander might be feasible after all. Despite that, for simplicity's sake I'd like to open with a standard 6v6. As a general rule I'll try to schedule two weeks ahead of time, but with this being the premiere we'll shoot for one. Based on current data, my dates are the 23rd and 26th, both at 9EST. People who are unavailable for one get priority for the other. Post if neither of these fit for you and I'll see what I can work up. Also if the non-posting people can be contacted regarding availability, that'd be great. I'll catch who I can, but any help you can offer is more than welcome. EDIT: Also also, congratulations to Sensai and crew! [FTF] (ask them what it means; they'll be glad to tell you!) accrued a ton of converts last night, more than I've ever seen in one sitting.
  11. Current roster redux: Sensai Abyss Joseki meatball garian Clefairy Bleck Hemophiliac Prophet Orwell Donut Sporknight CaptainYahoooooooooooooooooo The bench: Black Waltz (unavailable) S.A.M. (time constraints) Bardic (time constraints) Rambo (unavailable) Bonzai (unavailable) Vivi22(no word yet) Now, let's talk scheduling. When is everyone available? List times in EST, please.
  12. Fair points on the customs topic. I'll bear them in mind when making future suggestions. -- There's been a bit of confusion, sorry about that. I'd received an invitation to scrim from Loghead, you'd be playing under the lions banner in that case. To avoid confusion, hit me up on steam if you're interested in that. As for the OCR scrim, I'll run back over the thread in a minute and contact everyone who said they were interested. We'll see where the roster's at and take it from there. EDIT: Current roster. Abyss Joseki meatball garian Clefairy Bleck Hemophiliac Prophet Orwell Donut The bench: Black Waltz (unavailable) S.A.M. (time constraints) Bardic (time constraints) Rambo (unavailable) Bonzai (unavailable) Vivi22(no word yet) Three spots empty now. Black Waltz is back on 8/2, Rambonzambozai is AWOL, so unless we get a couple more folks jumping in there'll be a wait.
  13. We're still in a holding pattern, I guess. Rambo was the de facto leader of the idea, but he's off causing shenanigans with Bonzai. I got an offer to scrim as well, so I guess.. You know, what the hell. First five people to message me on Steam are in.
  14. I'm sorry, I thought the point of the game was to HAVE FUN. If people aren't having fun with whatever that is at the moment, they can rtv or leave. It's not like there's a server shortage. You know, I've been here a lot longer than my join date. Once upon a time, you were my god. I look back on that version of me, and I just feel sorry for him.
  15. What is a "proper game"? 12 on 12? Again, I would disagree with that. It's how Valve designed the game, but their intentions only go as far as you let them. Diff'rent strokes, etc etc. Hopefully some news on that colo'ing project comes through soon; a second server would alleviate the problem entirely.
  16. That's the idea, really. Given the choice between playing with people I know and playing a full game, I'll take the former every time. Certain people with bandwidth issues excluded, if someone can't be bothered to download the map (incidentally, even letting them do so is a courtesy), then they aren't here for the community; they just want to play the game. There are plenty of other servers out there who can fill that need. I'm aware it'll hurt overall turnout; I just disagree with the idea that that's bad. EDIT: Haha, starship. I haven't played that in months, I'd love to come back to it now and again.
  17. True that. And now it's playing Goldrush. Another offender, though it hasn't seen much playtime lately so it isn't quite so bad. Tangentially, clan BROS can go back into whatever hole they crawled out of. Mc_Man in particular seemed to have no idea how annoying he was. -- So anyway. Maps. If for some crazy reason I was entrusted with changing the mapcycle, it would look something like this. ctf_hallofdeath pl_frontier cp_gravelpit arena_storm_b1c plr_pipeline cp_steel ctf_turbine arena_nucleus pl_great_heights cp_industrial tc_meridian pl_waste arena_well I think it's a good mix of old and new, with serious, stressful maps followed by silly or moody ones to release tension. Post your own, maybe we can come to a consensus.
  18. :3 How odd. My K/D against you matches my K/D overall. Not a lot to talk about on my page other than having the most kills on garian(he has the most on me as well). On topic, tonight was great. Thanks to everyone who showed.
  19. Everyone who updates and then connects will have the problem. The server needs a restart to update itself, till then it's running on the last build. I messaged Baha and Powerlord, hopefully one of them will get back soon. Fireslash is offline, and to my knowledge they're the only three who can restart it.
  20. I'll suggest... Replace Egypt with Sawmill, Dustbowl with Great Heights, Badlands with Redfort, and 2fort with Hallofdeath.
  21. You can also find it through the HLStatsX page, by clicking on a person's individual profile. http://ocremix.hlstatsx.com/?mode=playerinfo&player=1 There's yours, for example.
  22. Spectre's side of the story is that he stopped micspamming(lol), and shpla's went on for about ten minutes. Allegedly, everyone asked him to stop repeatedly. In lieu of an actual witness, shpla's account is more credible. Spectre is a consistent whore for attention, and gets pissy whenever someone challenges his claim to the micspam throne, so to speak. Hammer Time isn't far off, I think.
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