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  1. Not sure if you're aware of it, but there have been five unofficial Christmas albums done on OCR that feature both VG remixes, and remixes of Christmas carols. You can find them here...


    While I can't recall every song's source, I know "A Few More Miles to Go" (Arcus Odyssey), "The Dead of Winter" (Necromancer), "Falling From the Sky" and "A Journey for Generations" (both from Phantasy Star III), and "Cranky's Christmas Mojo" (one of the Donkey Kong Country games) are game remixes, and there are more. Sadly, the song sources were never listed anywhere as far as I know.

    Oh, and there's also the Super Metroid album (unofficial OCR project) done for bLiNd when he was ill a few years back...


    Just thought I'd point them out in case you didn't see them :)

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