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Everything posted by Elesarana

  1. cp_yukon_rc3. Cevo-P approved map, very well done, and very balanced. Bring back hydro soon
  2. I was just wondering if we could perhaps find some new custom maps people would enjoy, and put them on the server? The same old stuff is just starting to get bland.
  3. I'd totally play if I could find my god damn cd key. I'm a god at sc
  4. Removing sniper crosshair Put this in Sniper.cfg alias s1 "crosshair 0; slot1" alias s2 "crosshair 1; slot2" alias s3 "crosshair 1; slot3" bind 1 s1 bind 2 s2 bind 3 s3 crosshair 0 Put this in all the other classes .cfg bind 1 slot1 bind 2 slot2 bind 3 slot3 crosshair 1 There will be no data in the class .cfg's Also, when you respawn, the crosshair will be there; Switch weapons and it'll go away.
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