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Everything posted by SunSpire

  1. Well that's actually something that has bothered me in the past as well. I once submitted a tune back in june 2009 and did not get a response until 6 months later, it was then declined and I was asked to resubmit it. There are various problems with such a long waiting time from an artist's point of view: - during the whole 6 months I could not submit the tune anywhere else as I did not want it to be released on another platform prior to OCR. - by the time the song was reviewed the version I submitted was no longer up to date, hence the mp3 the judges listened to was obsolete Despite the fact that I was kindly asked to resubmit the tune, I was kinda reluctant to do so as I feared I'd have to wait yet another 6 months before it is being looked at again. In comparison, on other music platforms out there it usually takes about 3-4 weeks the most for a song to be posted, and that's a time frame us artists can deal with. Having to wait 6 months just to find out whether the track has been accepted or not? No, sorry! Besides that I'd like to add that I'm a big fan of OCR, I always got it linked on my website and I highly respect DJ Pretzel and everyone involved in running this place, and the many many talented musicians out there who share their music for free. So please don't get the idea that I'd hate you for some reason .. I certainly don't "SunSpire"
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