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Dope Thunder

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Everything posted by Dope Thunder

  1. Thanks, guys, for helping me figure this shit out! Nubioso: Right on! One of my main goals is to have a good beat in my tracks. Adamantium Dude: That [to bring in different aspects back and forth, so you never forget what it is but it's not too blatant or boring] was my intention, and I'm really glad to hear it succeeded. Gario: Thanks! Wow, three hours?! That's a compliment, there! SoulinEther: I appreciate your feedback, man. Thanks for the help. If nobody has any major problems with these changes, I think I'm done. Changes include: - better ending - quieter "buildup" synth - electric piano is louder - returned "breakdown drums" and airy synth to former state [the vote was half and half]
  2. Hooray! [: [i'm glad the changes I made helped.] I'll turn the electric piano up some more. The noise synth [it's a bitcrushed/distorted 3xosc] is supposed to be buildup so that there's something to break down. When you say it's too intense, do you mean that it's too loud, it's progression is too abrasive, or the effect is too harsh? Or is it none of those, and I've misunderstood? And yeah, I would love to submit this to the judges. Why 'cuz?
  3. Okay, so; I've made some changes. Thank you both for taking the time to give me feedback and advice. Here's a quick list: - there is more variation approaching the breakdown - the airy synth [actually a sample, but that's irrelevant] still stops/starts, but is now more obviously intentional; also, it comes back earlier/for longer - guitar [actually a electric piano vst] is louder - strings are louder I tried to address everything mentioned. If you find anything else/still find problems with one of my fixes, please let me know and I'll get right on it. [: I think you guys will like this version better...
  4. Thanks for all the help! I'm making changes now.
  5. Hello, everybody! This is a mix of the music from the galaxy map you pull up when you want to travel to other systems. It's a really small piece of music, but more than anything else in that game, I find it really evocative. I didn't want to just reproduce an extended version of the same song, though, because it's great the way it is already. Hopefully you can still hear the main theme in there...Please let me know if it needs emphasizing, because I still want to be true to the song. Any other crits would be great as well. Here's the track I'm covering, if you're wondering.
  6. Hello! I live in Athens, Ga. I've been doing occasional remixes along and along, and used to frequent VGMix before it got hacked/fell into a state of disrepair. I have to admit, I was previously intimidated by the submission process here. This will be my first serious attempt at getting stuff into OC Remix. I'm really looking forward to taking advantage of the wealth of advice and criticism available in these forums and hopefully giving back with my own information [poor though it may be].
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