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Posts posted by NintendoMasterGC

  1. Since no one made a sweet banner for us supporters for our signatures, I did so in about 30mins. What do you guys think?


    Proto Man's sprite needs its interior whitespace trimmed out. Also, DON'T save as JPG, it destroys clean edges with compression and is otherwise annoying for graphics work (best used only for photos and the like).

    Other than that, nice job. I'll use it myself if the above issues get fixed. Sorry I didn't get around to it; it skipped my mind entirely.

    Also, I love your Dive Man jazz mix.

  2. If you can, gimme a PSD so that I can edit as necessary.

    Also in case I haven't said it before, thanks for making all this stuff.

    Not a problem; I love doing this kind of thing -- especially when it involves Mega Man. Best franchise ever in my humble opinion. =)

    I've included just about everything in the PSD, including paths between brackets in a hidden layer at the bottom of the stack. When the Proto Man Bracket goes up I'll make a few edits to it and send you a copy of that bracket as well.


  3. Here's an idea for the bracket. The "division final" might be called the Proto Man/Mega Man Championship Battle. But the winners of THAT get to go all out in a "Grand Master Battle". How's that?


    In the vein of the Maverick Battle, it'll probably be called the Bass Bracket.

    EDIT: Updated signatures for Anti-Syne and BlackPanther.



    Churning out more shortly.

  4. Would it be too much trouble to place the name of the robot masters on there somewhere as well lol? Rather than the number(feels like an id number or somethin) why not just use the name of the robot, that's much easier to remember than a given number for each person.

    It's a play on the DLN/DWN system. =) I was going to abbreviate it as RMX, but that's too confusing... I'll see about working the Robot Master names into the design somehow.

    Also, Anti-Syne, you're supposed to be Remixer-001, not -000. That was a mistake on my part, which I'll fix in a moment.

  5. Workin' on signatures for you lot...

    For the Mega Man bracket competitors:


    For the Proto Man bracket competitors:


    Remixer Numbers are assigned in order of listing in the official brackets (Mega Man is numbers 1-16, Proto Man is numbers 17-32), and obviously everyone gets their own name and mugshot.

    Speaking of mugshots, I need a decent one for Ground Man -- everyone else I already have images for.

    EDIT: Never mind, found what I was looking for. Never fails; the moment you ask for help, you end up accomplishing it yourself.

  6. I just put Blade Man on loop for 30 minutes. I'll be damned if I don't get this so ingrained in my subconscious that I'll be able to medley/combine it with any melody imaginable.

    Better be some lyrics in there somewhere -- you know I look forward to that! I require more sing-along material for long road trips, and what better to sing about than robots and villains?

    That's way cooler. Can I get the PSD for that if you have it?

    Certainly! I'll PM it to you. Hope you've got CS5...

  7. Not bad, but it's not the GRMRB II, it's GRMRB 2011. Need to have the year in there, not a roman numeral.

    Also I'd prefer something that's more of a banner, not a screenshot.

    I'm well aware it's the 2011 competition, but it's also the second Robot Master battle, which is why I used "2" as opposed to "2011". That's easily altered, though, as well as the "banner" feel. Gimme maybe 30min and I'll have something new for you.

    EDIT: And an hour of tweaking and adjusting and adding later there was a new product: http://triggerproductions.net/images/GRMRB2011small.png

  8. I am looking forward to this way more than the original, largely because my dream has come true -- major props to chroxic for choosing Gravity Man, the badassest Robot Master of all time! Mega Man 5 seriously doesn't get enough love. Definitely gonna be rooting for the underdog in this competition!

    Also props to the Gario/Napalm Man team and whoever ends up with the rights to Wave Man!

  9. I clicked the v8 link. I listened. After about five seconds, all I could think was "holy sh*t." This mindset persisted well after the track was done playing.

    Word: awesome. I never imagined the undersold Rockman & Forte could ever sound this amazing. Maybe it's just the fanboy in me wanting to start screaming at the top of my lungs and/or start crying when I hear my beloved series given proper musical treatment, but I have seriously got to give you a whole box of kudos for this.

    Oh the things nostalgia will do to you. =)

  10. As just a casual listener with extremely little background in the creation of music, I've got a couple things to say.

    First, I am seriously stepping to this. Seriously. Good solid beat.

    Next, and this is an issue I've seen in a lot of brand-new mixes, a lot of the instruments sound unintentionally fake. An actual remixer could probably point a finger at exactly what needs fixing, but that's just what hits me as I listen -- some of this doesn't sound like it was meant to be this fake-sounding.

    The last thing is conveniently at the end of the track -- the classic Mega Man death sound effect doesn't seem to fit well at the end. Maybe you could use the Game Over jingle from EXE4 instead, or even EXE5.

    Criticisms aside, I definitely want to see this polished up and added to OCR. Mega Man can't have enough musical treatment to suit my taste; by all means, finish this up so I can add yet another song to my 90-hour Mega Man playlist. Always room for more!

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