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Everything posted by austinman3214

  1. I guess i need to explain this to you: THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT IM SAYING! End of the off topic: would incline the fact that i want you all to stop and let people who would like to offer their services to speak up. That is it.
  2. why yes, it is being done with the sandbox 2, cryengine 2's editor. Thats probably why it looks similar. And thanks for showing some support, i know this project is going to be something huge no matter what happens. You see i dont quite remember bringing anything up about a C&D, and i dont think zurg did either. If neko, gario and fireslash have any problems, THEY can C&D their nagging. end of the off topic.
  3. Hmmmm, to me this neko guy just sounds jealous lol. I am the "co-leader" with this here project and i must tell you that starting today i will begin detailing and preparing the tallon overworld. It has lieterally taken me two days to rough sketch half this map. shouldnt be more than two weeks to get that half detailed AND the other half rough sketched so, yeah its rolling strong now. To all the haters, you can laugh if we do get the C&D from nintendo/retro. and i assure you i would not be too ashamed to admit it if we did get the order. But for now if you've got nothing nice to say then f off.
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