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Posts posted by RayMabry

  1. Hi. My name is Ray i've been here for a little while. I've been composing video game music for a little while (you can check my stuff out if you'd like @ http://www.youtube.com/numberoneblind it's all rough versions though) and I have a few questions and i'd really appreciate it if someone answered them.

    1. I'm getting a laptop soon and it's probably gonna be a sony laptop of some sort. What specifications should I look for?

    2. ...Also how much memory might I need my laptop to have?

    3. Do I really need a soundcard? and if so what kind should I get.

    4. I'm looking for new software to make video game music. My current software (sibelius 5) isn't cutting it. I'm thinking of getting FL Studio. Is this the right choice? If not then what should I get?

  2. All of my stage themes now have a link that includes higher quality version of the song with the option to download.

    If you like any of the themes below then PLEASE VISIT http://www.youtube.com/numberoneblind and don't

    forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! (downoad links are included in the descriptions of each video)

    Cammy White ( http://www.box.net/shared/r21s29z3zu ) *Street Fighter*

    Akuma ( http://www.box.net/shared/u7akic7md8 ) *Street Fighter*

    Lion Rafale ( http://www.box.net/shared/b67tn5bfyg ) *Virtua Fighter*

    Juni and Juli ( http://www.box.net/shared/33j8r93kgd ) *Street Fighter*

    Karin Kanzuki ( http://www.box.net/shared/p6b1ah8lvk ) *Street Fighter*

    Sarah Bryant ( http://www.box.net/shared/qm7dmscduy ) *Virtua Fighter*

    P.S.: all of themes are still in their early stages so these are just rough versions of them.

  3. It's been one full year (from yesterday) since I published my first theme. To view my work in chronological order click here: [ http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=3229AF79FE8D0FFC ] to view it in VIDEO LOG FORM (and in reverse chronological order) click here: [ http://www.youtube.com/profile_video_blog?user=Numberoneblind ]

    FEEDBACK WOULD BE APPRECIATED!!! but please judge on a compositional basis. My virtual instruments are pretty much crap so i'd like feedback solely on my songwriting. Thankyou :)

    ***Also*** i'd like to note that if you are watching my videos from the first link there are higher quality versions of those same songs further down the line.

    Thanx for watching!!!

    EDIT: Please IGNORE the VIDEO LOG link. Apparently there's no way to activate the feature for youtube channels using the new layout. Thanx!!!

  4. All of my songs are still in their early stages they still need to be worked on and I need to change the software i'm using so I can have higher quality instruments but they are complete enough for you to listen to. I'd really appreciate it if you gave them a listen and then told me what you thought. My music is locate here @ http://www.youtube.com/numberoneblind Please watch them and give me feedback and thankyou for your time.

  5. Well Thankyou I'll take that into consideration. Right now though i'll continue to fool around with Sibelius. I haven't fully given up on it yet. I don't know how to write music well so I can't add articulations to my music and for some reason I have a feeling that the program might not sound as good as it can because of something i'm not doing but at the same time it could just be low quality samples as you said so i'll definately look into either FL Studio or at the very least buying more virtual instruments to replace the current ones. Thanks for all your advice man I definately appreciate it.

  6. Thanx for your critique man and I don't think your being overcritical at all. Yeah that thing that kills me the most about Sibelius is the samples in sibelius is drums. I can't get them to sound like their being struck hard enough or any instrument to sound like it's being played hard enough. It even does that with regular midi songs too for some reason. and yeah I guess I should add some fills for the finished version. I usually don't work on the drums that hard for the early versions that I put on youtube so alot of my songs either have no fills or the same fill for every part.

    Oh and this is 100 percent original all my work is. I hate doing remixes hahaha.

    anyways thanx for the feedback. It's nice to hear some critique from someone that actually seems to know what there talking about. ~Ray~

  7. "Bright Eyes Hopeful Spirits" Sakura

    "Neon City Lights" Guy

    "Tiger Trap" Sagat

    "The Fire Still Burns" Ken

    "Illusion" Rose

    "Catwalk Queen" Felicia

    "Give It Your All" Charlie

    "A Hero Stands Alone" Ryu

    "A Hero Stands Alone" (w/ backing guitar) Ryu

    "Ready To Unload" Dan

    "Beautiful Warrior" Vega

    Hi my name is Ray Mabry and i've just recently found this site. I just wanted to share with you guys some of my music. I've been writing video game music for a few months now and I'd like some feedback. My music can be found at http://www.youtube.com/numberoneblind . All of the songs are still in their early stages. I only put about a few hours of work into writing them but theyre complete enough to give you a pretty good idea of how they'll sound when their finished. So please check them out and let me know what you think. Thanx ~Ray~

    Also I composed them using sibelius 5 if anyone was wondering.

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