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Everything posted by Feather

  1. Hi. This my new proper, epic uplifting trance track. Take a listen! https://soundcloud.com/hanefuri/feather-sword-art-original-mix
  2. Hi. It's been a while since I made/posted anything. This is a new uplifting trance track I have been working on. Mixing tips would be appreciated. It is named after Seroquel and Risperidone. http://soundcloud.com/hanefuri/feather-serodone-original-mix Updated: http://soundcloud.com/hanefuri/feather-serodone-original
  3. Hi guys. Here is a new uplifting trance WIP from me. I would appreciate some feedback so I can improve the track. http://soundcloud.com/feather/feather-us-on-blue-original-mix Thanks =)!
  4. Hi there. Here's my latest WIP. Feedback is appreciated! http://soundcloud.com/feather/nu-heights-original-mix-2nd-edit
  5. posted my latest track in the original wip forum =o

  6. Hi guys. It has been quite a while since I posted a completed project. Here is my latest work. Feedback is appreciated. If you know any record labels that might take this one, please tell me! (or maybe that is still a far away dream?) http://soundcloud.com/feather/killer-instinct-original-mix
  7. hi esker =)

  8. Thanks guys. And yeah Anti-Syne, that is the kind of track I was goin for.
  9. No complaints here. This is an awesome work.
  10. Hmm... Well I began with the intention of creating something along the lines of Teardrop by Massive Attack. I don't know where it ended up, but I like it. Take a listen and tell me what you think: http://soundcloud.com/feather/nerv By the way, the ending is sort of a lead-in to the track I am currently working on. Thanks! =)
  11. The title came to mind when I listened to it after the final render. I think it fits somehow. Take a listen and feel free to comment. Thanks! http://soundcloud.com/feather/blowing-up-the-sun
  12. Thanks for the quick feedback. I'll try to take everything you said into consideration... it is the stereo field and sound balance in particular that gives me trouble. I do work on some pretty colored IEMs so that pretty much explains it. I hope to have an update posted according to your words sometime in the near future. *quick edit posted
  13. Hi there. I thought maybe it was a weird way to take this song, but I am pleased with my work. It builds and ends like a typical trance track. I doubt it is actually club worthy though =P... Please listen and give me some feedback. Thank you! http://soundcloud.com/feather/twoson-club-mix 1st edit: I tried to widen the stereo field and I also notched the "knocking wood" down a bit for now until I figure out what I want to do with it for sure. I took a lot of the reverb off of the main melody too.
  14. Thanks for the comments man. I can deal with all of them except the mastering. I am probably better off not trying to master at all since I know very little about proper mastering. And yeah. I tend to create a track quickly and leave it as it is. Maybe I should spend some more time on them. Music production is really just a hobby for me at the moment so I try to have fun with it more than anything. I made my very first track less than a year ago and it was horrible. I feel like I have come a long way though.
  15. Hello. I was listening to the artist Hol Baumann today and I got inspired to try to make something up his alley.I think I failed, but I am still pleased with my work. I titled it "The Great Onslaught" because it seemed like good battle music. Thanks to those who listen and many thanks to those who give me feedback. http://soundcloud.com/feather/the-great-onslaught
  16. Thanks for the feedback. I always feel like I should tag my music as a specific genre, but that really isn't the case I suppose. I will just stick with the general purpose "Electronic" to describe my music from now on. As for the creation of an album, well, I never really gave it any thought because I am trying to get as good as I can at production... My creativity is rather lacking and I am really not musically inclined as a person so I try to keep my works rather simple... Anyway, I may take your suggestion and begin work on an album. At least I know I will have one listener =)
  17. Hi. This is a downtempo track. (correct me if I can't call this downtempo o_o) I threw it together in about 12 hours today (I'm slow). Take a listen and give feedback if you will. I named it "Sewer Rats" because while listening to it... those sewer rats (as you may find them in certain old school RPGs) came to mind. http://soundcloud.com/feather/sewer-rats Thanks. =)
  18. Thank you so much! Your comment means a lot to me!
  19. Hi. I just thought I would post my latest work here. I would appreciate some feedback if you do listen, but just some exposure works for me too. http://soundcloud.com/feather/winterbreeze Thanks! =)
  20. Hi. I threw this together yesterday. It was inspired by the ending credits theme in Donkey Kong Country the game which I remixed when I first began creating music last July (It was awful, but was to be expected). I have improved since then I think. Comment if you will. http://soundcloud.com/feather/to-the-end
  21. Thanks for the reply. I think I have grasped what you said and I'll surely try to work it in to the song. I am going to find the source and try to follow it a little closer. I'll also bring out the main melody a good bit more. Stay tuned for a v.2
  22. Greetings. I've been visiting this site for a while to get remixes because I love video game music, but it wasn't until a few days ago that I attempted to create my own. This song is dedicated to my mother who has played the DKC games with me since I was just a young lad. It is a remix of the ending to Donkey Kong Country. I created it in FL Studio 8 (over the course of a few days in which I was learning the functions of the program). As of right now, I can only think that it might need more original material in it, because it certainly relies on the source and it could use some variation in the drums too I suppose. Oh! It needs a proper ending too... Please take a listen and criticize it. Thank you! Stream: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=974291
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