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Everything posted by Tostilism

  1. Why is it that if someone comes on here and leaves a comment that isn't 100% positive about the compilation, they're attacked from all angles? It's garbage. Those of us that didn't particularly care for it as a whole are just as entitled to our opinions as the rest of you are. Nobody attacked any of the composers that I saw, yet we get accused of not being able to appreciate art and are basically told to leave the site. I think both strong opinions against the album (Wander and myself) were posted in a very diplomatic way. If you don't like something, you don't like something, end of story, and according to the homepage, this is the place to post about it. And by the way, to the ass that joined up just to comment on my post, this is for you: Have you ever bought something or been given something that you were looking forward to and after you got it, it didn't quite meet your expectations? That's what happened here with myself and at least one other, so don't you dare insult our taste or our opinions. We're capable of appreciating art and creativity as much as you are, we just didn't like this work as a whole. Now go stick your head back in the sand.
  2. I assure you, I'm quite educated and know the meaning of both words. My expectations were clearly different from yours, that's all. Thank you. About the rap song, may I remind that it's just my opinion I shared. I care for very little rap in general so, naturally, I wouldn't care for this. I enjoyed the tracks titled "Bridge to Eternity (Within the Giant)" and "Facing (Epilogue)."
  3. I joined up to comment on this because I couldn't let this go unaddressed. Final Fantasy IV is my favorite game of all time and I'm very familiar with the tracks supposedly being covered. I really didn't care for this at all and have been looking forward to it for quite some time. With the exception of 2 tracks, the other 44 strayed so far from the source material that it was just uninteresting. Every time I thought one was headed in the right direction (track 2, CD1), things started spiraling downhill. The routine in almost every track seemed to be to play the cover song through once and then, for the rest of the track, play whatever you want with a few vague hints here and there of what you're actually covering. I certainly recognize the talent involved here (with the exception of one track* in particular which I'll address), but it just seems to have been misused. Most of this sounds like it should be on a demo CD promoting yourself and your own areas of expertise in the music world rather than on a compilation meant to cover songs composed by someone else. *The Chocobo rap song...wow. You're doing it wrong. I couldn't even make it through that disrespectful piece.
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