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Posts posted by TheGreyNinja

  1. Dope indeed. And the album cover calls to me like no other! Did you paint that picture, Ran?

    a super dope artist named Kevin Merriman did the art... he's amazing.

    i don't know if he's amazing, or if he just has too much free time on his hands. as it turns out he's also an ultra forum lurker/longtime moocher here on OCR... haha. (i would know, because he is ME!!)

    anyways, always warms the heart to hear other people diggin the cover.

    heh. by the way Ran, you and K have fun throwin' down at E3? so jealous...

  2. Your name looks familiar...did you play in the OCR chess tourneys?

    uhhhh.. nope, sorry.

    I'm a big time lurker of about 5 years on OCR - but I finally signed up to make it all official right after the FFIV album was released. I'm trying to find ways to 'give back' after so much anonymous mooching of awesome music.. haha..

    so yeah - no to the chess thing. :smile:

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