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Posts posted by GrayLightning

  1. Clean Electric Guitar in a snappleman mix? The world is coming to an end! Snapple is obviously trying to pull out the stops on this one to try and compete with Fatman's toenail.

    Seriously, Snapple always does good work with good production. I think the segue from the clean to the distorted wasn't really done as well as it could have been. It comes off as sloppy.

    The only thing the panel collectively is guarded in with Snapple's works is he used to mix really conservatively. This used to not sit well with our standards as he knows, but I'm happy to report lately this hasn't been as much of an issue. I still think the arrangement here is fairly conservative, as larry said, straight forward/and harmony similarly noted the cover sections. But the subtle and many additions here definitely push this over the edge for me.

    Production wise, the tone of the guitar could be a bit crisper with some eq work, but nothing major.

    I'm really enjoying this one a lot, great listening. Good work snapple, you're still not as good as Fatman's toenail, but you're certainly good enough for a YES!

  2. confusing.

    there are moments i am in love and others i'm cringing and recoiling in terror.

    want to echo the comment about the texture. its quite magnificent... atmospheric and as danny said, lush. so in that regard, you've instrumented it well

    but there are some serious issues. those strings are too imposing... the attack is just killing me. this is also very very loud. like i said earlier, i like the instrumentation and how the guitar parts are complimentary and subtle but the strings and some unresolving harmonies make this a very uncomfortable listen


    Late to the party. I just want to wrap this review up by echoing what Zyko said. As far as the NO votes, Zyko's is probably the key comment I think Roe should hone in on. Resubmit!

  3. This sounds like a work in progress, a good foundation for a lot of work yet to be done. But this indeed needs a lot more work.

    For an ambientish mix, the soundscape is really sparse. This needs a lot of clever reverb or delay design in my opinion to spice things up. The lead is so lofi and muddy sounding. Work on eqing it in the 5000 hz and 8000hz range to add some shimmer to it.

    I hear a lot of crackling/audio problems throughout, like at 2:35, 3:14-3:16. This alone is reason enough to reject the mix.

    Needs quite a lot more polish and work. I hope you consider working on this more, cuz it has a really cool vibe and there's a lot of promise here. But this, as is, is a NO.

  4. I have to say, I found this a lot more interesting than the source material. I agree some of the sounds here are generic, but it's done well. So in that regard, I don't have much of an issue here.

    The only reason I'm going to have to no this is I think the arrangement is fairly conservative. I'd like to see this as a foundation for more expansive, interpretive work added. How about expand the melody more, play with the structure or progression? Something. I have some other issues, but they are nitpicks and I'll leave my reservations with the one main issue cited above.

    Very enjoyable though, but needs more at this point. NO

  5. Chaotic, in a bad way. The drums/perc don't add to the music at all, they sound off, muddy and just ruin the whole mix. The whole mix sounds flooded with elements.

    Arrangement and composition for the most part is very basic. I did enjoy the automated phaser/eq on the drum/perc but outside that there's not much to this. It's a simple arrangement and ultimately sounds incomplete from a concept point of view. In addition the problematic drums and production seriously weigh this down. NO

  6. This is a big drop off compared to what we are used to you. It almost sounds like you were fiddling on a mix just to mess around one afternoon.

    I agree that the orchestration and composition here is really simplistic and underdeveloped. I think this is what liontamer points out at the 2:10 section. But it's not really muddy, that's how low strings and brass sound like texturally together. It's not like there's a lot of reverb here either. If one wants to hear really dark-textured orchestra one should listen to the LotR soundtrack for a guide.

    As with wingless and Israfel my biggest gripes here are how everything is rushed through different sections, not necessarily a bad thing, but in this case it just sounds underdeveloped and hastily put together.

    The faster section isn't as well thought out as the slower passages. The up and down bows sound a bit messy for me. Also you don't use any low register up and down bows/pizz to contrast the high register ones. I think this needs more balance in this respect. Finally the transitions between the different sections of the mix aren't that good in my view.

    Your usage of the samples though is nicely done, and there are bright spots in the arrangement. But there's not much here that stands out from basic in the orchestration, composition, arrangement or production to overcome the problems here. We're used to higher quality craftsmanship from you. NO

  7. Very pretty sounding and that's to be expected with the high end gear you have. They're used quite well in terms of squencing in general as well.

    Nice chill/groove factor, but I thought the leads and pads were usually far too quiet in relation to the beats.

    Problem here is the very basic arrangement content though. There's not as much creative or personal additions here that we expect from mixers to pass the bar. For those unfamiliar, the prior sentence is the name of the game and our number one criteria. Best of luck, and I hope to hear more from you.


  8. There's annoying crackling with the arp. bell type instruments at the beginning. Not a pleasant way to start things off. Then we get to more elements following that with no dynamics. Enter overly loud drums...

    I love the ambience and atmosphere you've created with the mix, but this needs so much more arrangement work. This is way too conservative. Too straight up a take on an often mixed original.

    On top of that the production issues here are too much.

    Needs much more arrangement work, production fixing, balance between the loud drum/perc and the other elements. NO

  9. Enter the panel's Xenogears expert...

    When larry is actually right for once, you know there's complete universal disorder! 8O

    Let me state I don't like it when people do this and mix game arrangements with other arrangements. Why don't you consider expanding and creating your own ideas instead of borrowing WHOLESALE from other sources?

    Now, overall this is a very pretty and listenable arrangement. I do completely agree with Vig that this is so shmalzy. This sounds like what a more sophisticated IggyKoopa might compose. Anyway the arrangement and instrumentatioin as a whole is solid. The material here was definitely along the timeline Larry sectionalized. His ears must be getting better, nice work bro.

    Production wasn't great, but it's by no means a huge problem. To me it gave it some charm, sort of like one of those MTV Unplugged sounds rather than the professional pristine productions of a studio.

    Good work. YES

  10. Agreed, the main problem here is everything is so rigid and mechanical sounding. It's almost like it was sequenced perfectly without adding any humanized element. It comes off sounding too perfect and when that happens it just sounds too fake. I would work on creating more dynamics, volume rises and falls, and adding a humanized timing to everything.

    Definitely some poor separation of sounds, as the drums, vox, strings, and so forth all mushed together.

    There's nothing wrong with this. A lot of orchestral/etc genres of music in this vein sounds like this. Especially ones with big reverb. Massive orchestrations are often textural, for example. (Not a case here)

    Overall, not bad though from a listening perspective, but needs much more arrangement, a lot more attention to the details and mix up the composition/arrangement please. Too predictable when it repeats like this. NO

  11. arrgh, firefox keeps crashing on me. anyways.

    nice tribute to the original, it sounds very siddy.

    and 808s are great.

    apparently 909s are too, since you juxtapose them with your 808 sections.

    nonetheless, this is more of a tribute than a reinterpretive arrangement.

    it doesn't sound overly FL default to me, has a neat lo-fo motif -- but one that's too strong.

    mixing does indeed need to be cleaned up, this can easily grate on one's ears...


    I hate to take the easy way out, but analoq has hit the nail on the head here. Not much to add, but a NO. Fun listen though.

  12. Total imbalance here for me. There's a lot of heavy bass and a lot of really cutting frequencies with the hats, with not much inbetween those.

    Honestly, by the end they were getting really, really redundant, and the strong nature of the high frequencies it wore really thin by me by the end. I think you need to mix and spice up the beatwork more. It's really repetitive.

    For almost 5 minutes, it felt like it was repeating the same thing over and over. Would be one thing if it was strong material, but I think it's too problematic for me. I would go back to the drawing board and focus on the best elements of the mix. Trim lots of fat out and repackage it with more compositional, instrumental elements. Also fix the major production problems.


  13. I don't mind generic when it's done well. But this is just very generic and very basic. Production is problematic as a whole. The whole mix is muddy and lacks shimmer. This needs EQ work to create more balance and more compression. Synths are generally lifeless, dull and uninspired - I'm afraid to say. There's not much sophistication going on as far as synth design, automation or effects processing. Decent arrangement, but I felt the mix was really sparse and the composition needed a lot of work.

    Nothing really grossly wrong here, but it just results in average work for me. Needs a lot of work. Use the WIP boards at OCR to get more feedback.


  14. There are good arrangement ideas here, certainly an interesting take on the source. My main beef here, for a piano mix, everything sounds so robotic. From the timing, to the performance. It almost sounds like everything is being played using only 1 velocity. What this mix needs I think is conceptual and compositional tweaking. Focus on the intention of the mix, and work on evolving it.

    Neat stuff, but I think it needs more work in the several areas mentioned.


  15. I hate to be curt, but larry finally got one thing right. At last! ;) Seriously though, larry nailed this one. Zyko's is also another thing I would focus on to consider. Not a bad mix in my book though, just not up there with your other works. Enjoyable on many levels, but not OCR material at this point.

    Hope to hear more from you soon. We have great expectations from you with your recent mixes. This is just not there though. NO

  16. Well the other judges already covered the issues here. Let me briefly recap. Not bad at all for a first attempt at remixing. Nice pad intro.

    My main problem here is the sparseness of the mix compositionally and texturally. Everything sounds thin and small.

    Needs more arrangement, expansion, needs better drumwork, needs better production and production tone.

    Every journey begins with a single step. This is yours. This needs a lot of work to be honest, but keep at it. Take the overall opinion of the panel and keep working and practicing. Also it would be helpful for you to post your work in the OCR Works in Progress forum.


  17. Larry's a cheater, he edited the poll so that only Paige can be chosen. I should have clicked on "Larry smells" rather than "himself for judge".

    Uhm... or it was Gray who edited it... ¬_¬

    BTW: Who farted in the tube?!

    I edited first option to Caramella is better than Liontamer, but then Larry finally edited it again for both paige. The fart smell is larry!

    Paige 4 Judge.

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