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Everything posted by GrayLightning

  1. The FAQ route is a good idea. I do not have the time to do that, nor know enough about FL to do that. So the question is, who's willing to do it? Maybe it could be a collaborative effort between you FL experts?
  2. I'm just wondering. Would you FL thread people be really interested in having this thread cleaned and trimmed up? Pointless posts, redundant questions, etc removed. I ask because it would be a huge effort given all the pages this thread has. Is it worth it? If yes, would anyone more familiar with FL and this thread be willing to help me?
  3. Someone explain to me how campy chipmunk sounding phrases work as an intro to a synth orchestra mix? Once in the intro is done with the main part of the mix sounds cool. I like the classic sounds with the 80s sounding synth brass. Ending is very abrupt too. Pretty catchy, I'm slightly borderline on this. But this just isn't on the level it needs to be on a compositional, production and unique scale for it to get posted. NO
  4. You did a much better job with the actual instrumental arrangement here compared to your horteka stomp. I love the concept here, and the arrangement, but what's here needs more polish. Some sections just sound really convoluted when all the instruments are there. The clarity is lost. This needs more work with panning and eq at least. The first half of the mix feels empty. At times it just sounds like the string and drums. It needs some compositional additions there and better mixing of volume levels. Too loud at 2:18. It becomes distorted. There's some clipping on the other instruments also. I think the ideas and arrangement are very good, so I hope you go back to this with a fresh ear and make it the best it can be. There's a lot of potential. But the way this is now, there are too many flaws to let this through. NO
  5. Sticky. Cyanide is pretty nice for the price. I could not find a use for it in my type of music, but electronica mixers will probably.
  6. Basically what everyone said. This is a very limited arrangement. I think the other main issue for me here, is the sharpness of the tambourines. Sounds like it's over eq'd. This needs more focus and a more unique approach. I like the sections at around 3 when it builds up . Pretty decent, but it's not really enough. NO
  7. Yeah this definitely sounds like a "remix", not a rearrangement that is what is required for OC posting. I don't hear any work done on the melody or harmony that is at least standard for an arrangement. For this reason I think this is a definite no. This piece itself is actually pretty nice. I like what you did with it, and all the nice little additions that are typical of "remixes." Good work chopping things up, laying down the beats, putting it all together, but this really isn't OC arrangement material. So no. NO
  8. This has to be one of the most repetitive mixes I've heard. It just drifts without any real point for a long time. There's a difference between repeating something with an aim and just repeating something without noticeable variation. For a trance mix the drums are really understated. Which is fine by me, but at least change it up a bit. The other judges are pretty spot on on this one, so there's not much more for me to say. The Another World section is the strength of this mix. I like the synth choices here. It sounds like updated 8bit game music. I actually enjoy this on many levels. Nice piano and bass lines, pretty cool synth and nice effects. Like the ending parts too with the choirish pads, but the tremolo panned bit at the end is a bit jarring. There isn't too much here on a compositional and production level that makes it stand out. Nice work. I'll be keeping this, but I don't think this is quite there for posting. NO
  9. He says they are both the same, and he's now requesting "Tell ya what, I'll try to have a re-vamped version of the FF6 battle them by the end of the day tomorrow. " Ok or not? Edit: I just talked with ari and he suggested if eric gets this in by tomorrow, ok, if not resubmit. I agree with that.
  10. Ok, I remember liking this a lot. I think my main complaint here is some of the panning is a little odd. Sometimes one side is totally dominant and the other is oddly empty. On headphones it sounds a bit odd. But at the end of the day, this is so creative and a very good collaboration. On a technical level, rap is so hard to fit within the guidelines of OC arrangement standards. There's no denying the kind of work that was put into this. Very good lyrics and performance. Not my favorite work of either mixer, but that's a personal matter. Very fun mix, that a lot of people will enjoy. Great job both of you. Edit: I still can't stop listening to this. YES
  11. I don't know him. He pm'd me this info along with the other one during 6MB issue last week. I'll pm him back with the info and see what he wants to do.
  12. Eric has requested we throw this mix out. I'm locking it for now until a decision has been made on what to do with this mix. "One request, while I'm at it... and this is actually my first time speaking with a judge about this. I have 2 other remixes in the cue. One of them is another piano arrangement, an FF6 Battle Theme arrangement... it went under the name "Eric Barker", and not Noir. I'm aiming a bit higher now that I'm getting my recording technique down a bit better. If it goes into judging before I upload a new version, throw it out. It would be nice to be able to fall through the new version later, but I can understand if that's not really kosher, so if I have to start at the bottom of the cue again, that's fine. It was submitted in early November, so I'm worried it might come up shortly. I'll email you again when I upload the new version. -Eric "
  13. This one's borderline. I've been listening to this one a lot in the last few weeks and at the end I will say this needs more work. The intro is great. I love the ambience of this, the pad work, production values are very nice. The phased sweep sounds are a nice touch. There's some light clipping, like around 30 seconds with the piano hits and later on. Not a major or really distracting thing in this mix, but it might be worth a mention. I'm very close to giving this a yes, but this is just too underdeveloped. I think it needs more work on the concept as israfel said and also instrumentation, layering and expansion. While I don't think lengths of mixes matter, for this kind of mix, I would love another half a minute or to a minute or so expansion. It would allow the listener to soak up even more of the atmosphere. NO
  14. Beautiful. This is definitely one of the most enjoyable mixes I have heard on the panel recently. Starting off with richly layered strings and what sounds like very nice overblown flute staccs. You don't hear those too often. It changes gears as soon as the bodharn percussion enters. It adds a very nice driving force to the orchestral sections. Brass that comes later in adds a nice texture to the space also. Articulations are used sparingly, but wisely. Like the string trills. I didn't feel this was empty at all. Really good usage of orchestral percussion provides good accenting rather than a rhythm. The chromatic bell/musicbox later on is a nice touch. Very solid arrangement, orchestration and production values overall. I would have liked a touch more reverb, maybe a nice medium hall reverb. I was surprised to hear this was done with FruityLoops and free soundfonts. Who says you can't do great mixes outside techno and trance with FL? This is one of those great examples that illustrates it's not what you have, but how you use the tools available to you. Sublime and an easy yes from me. YES
  15. I'm not quite as positive as my other counterparts on this one. I find this slightly redundant, but the change ups and constantly driving momentum definitely are expertly handled and do make the redundancy less of a factor. Production values are good, although the sharp sounding synth isn't really to my liking. I'll be honest, I've been listening to this quite a lot in the last week and it's really not my cup of tea. The ending is very unsatisfying also. But the technical aspects are pretty much there for postage, and this is definitely a unique production. YES
  16. I agree with the rest of the judges. This is pretty nice. But it sounds fairly generic. The lead and drums don't really stand out. This needs better production values for this kind of genre. The lead and drums are very laid back. This just doesn't stand out too much the way it is right now. NO
  17. And here I thought that this latest batch was fairly cut and dry. Here we have quite a mixed bag. Some sections are really great, and other sections are very ho-hum. Some sections are really very empty, it sounds like it's just generic drums and bass, and a thin pad. The section with the marimbas/vibe or whatever those instruments are are my favorite. The ending is also one of those give up endings we don't really like at OC. I will yes this on the grounds that the good outweighs the bad by a very narrow margin, and the cool sections of this mix are just too groovy. YES
  18. Very groovy. Good drumwork, and excellent guitar work. Marc Star definitely knows how to this genre right. Love the piano work as well. The voice samples get annoying after a while. That's my only real issue with the mix. Still an easy yes though. YES
  19. I was kind of disappointed to hear this after hearing some of Unknown's newer material. This just doesn't sound up to either our standards or where he's at now. I pretty much will just agree with Beatdrop's comments on this as they sum up my feelings here. Daring attempt at a very complex genre though Unknown. I enjoyed many sections here, but some sections just sounded a bit too vanilla. I'm looking forward to hearing your newer mixes. NO
  20. I like this, but this is pretty much what Vigilante said. This needs more work in production and recording. It is very cluttered right now. Better mixing and mastering work would help a lot. I really enjoyed your performance, but this can't pass at this point. NO
  21. I'm in agreement with the other judges. Like Israfel, I really was hoping for something here given the material of the mix. This is simply too sparse and simple. If you want to do something in this nature, there really needs to be more layers and softer instruments going on. What makes this kind of mix so hard to pull of is attention to the smallest of details. The high pitched crystalline/glass sounds are also very hard on the ears. I did enjoy several sections of this mix, but there just are too many problems to let this pass. NO
  22. I've heard this throughout its wip stages and final stages. I liked it back then and like it just as well now. Very good composition by BO, and very good sequencing by MC. Congratulations gentlemen. MC, nice work on the buzz. YES
  23. This has to be old. This doesn't sound anything up to the level we've heard from Eric in the past. Good guitar performance as usual though. I enjoy this, but this is a liberal cover, not an arrangement. NO
  24. Very nice. This is a different style of electronica than we're accustomed to seeing on a regular basis. I like the arrangement and style here. Nice production values. I just dig this mix. YES
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